Wagstaffe's Weather: Blue sky Friday for Vancouver

Wagstaffe's Weather: Blue sky Friday for Vancouver

High pressure will dominate through Friday and into the weekend for B.C. — but that sinking air is keeping temperatures cooler in the valleys than in the mountains.

A special air quality statement has been issued for inland and east Vancouver Island, as well as Bulkley Valley and Prince George. The sinking air from the high-pressure system is keeping fine particulates from wood-burning stoves trapped near ground level.

Meanwhile, a temperature inversion will also mean a warmer layer of air in the mountains — a nice treat if you are planning on hitting the hills this weekend.

There is a chance that fog will develop through the early morning hours over the next few days in the Strait of Georgia, but Vancouver should still get the sunny days.

The South Coast will keep the blue skies and cold temperatures through to at least Monday before a Pacific system changes our pattern back to mild and rainy.