Wales' nurses could go on strike again after union rejects Welsh government's pay offer

Members of a nursing union in Wales have "overwhelmingly" rejected the Welsh government's latest pay offer.

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has said they have written to the health minister, Eluned Morgan, requesting that "negotiations recommence urgently".

If the minister does not respond within five working days, RCN Wales says it will look at planning further strike action and further dates will be announced "in due course".

The health minister on Monday announced that Betsi Cadwaladr, the health board which serves North Wales, was back in special measures after it was taken out of that category in 2020.

Speaking to Sky News after the announcement, Ms Morgan refused calls by opposition parties to resign.

The Welsh government had offered an additional 3% in pay for 2022/23, of which 1.5% would be a lump sum and the other 1.5% would continue in future pay awards.

Director of RCN Wales, Helen Whyley, said the union's members in Wales had "spoken with strength to overwhelmingly reject this offer", adding that it remains "in dispute" with the Welsh government.

Ms Whyley added: "Strike action is always the last resort; our members do not want to strike, but this additional offer does not restore the years of being undervalued and understaffed.

"Nursing staff feel, once again, that have left them with no alternative.

"The Welsh government must take urgent action to bring this long-standing dispute to a close."

Sky News has asked the Welsh government for a response.