Want to help Fort Worth families for the holidays? Bring items to this area bowling alley

SubTo, an educational resource for real estate investors, and Family Promise, a family advocate against homelessness, are teaming up to collect and pack home goods for families at a Fort Worth bowling alley on Wednesday.

Volunteers will gather at the Bowlounge, 941 West Vickery Blvd., from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. to pack the boxes of home essentials that Family Promise will give away just in time for the holidays. Family Promise is a faith-based, nonprofit that helps children and their families who have lost or are at risk of losing their homes.

“This event is to give back to those in our community by helping Family Promise with some of the items they need and to bring some joy this holiday season to the families in need,” Dawn Walker says on Eventbrite.

Here are items that Family Promise can use

These items can be brought to the Bowlounge on Wednesday:

  • Towels (bath sheets, bath towels, hand towels, wash cloth)

  • Pillows

  • Paper towels

  • Toilet Paper

  • Cleaning products (Lysol or Mr. Clean All-purpose cleaner, Windex, bleach, laundry soap)

  • Full Size Soap, Shampoo, Toothpaste

  • Walmart/Target gift cards ($25 increments work best)

  • Grocery gift cards ($25 increments)

  • Restaurant and movie cards (families need time to have some fun)

  • Gas cards

Ongoing service needs:

  • Lawn care projects, i.e. flower beds, hedge trimming, etc.

  • Organizing donations

  • Home projects (painting, changing air filters, light bulbs, general facility up-keep)

  • Tutoring for children

  • Mentoring for adults

For those unable to attend but still want to help, donations can be sent here.

“Family Promise delivers innovative solutions for family homelessness including prevention, shelter, and stabilization services. We have served more than 1 million family members since our founding more than 30 years ago, and we aspire to change the future for 1 million children by 2030 through our community-based programs,” reads the Family Promise website.