If you want to keep watching Roku TV, you'll have to agree to its new terms — or opt-out over mail

  • Roku began notifying users last week of a revision to its terms and conditions.

  • Users must agree to the updated terms if they wish to continue using their Roku TV.

  • If they want to opt out of the dispute resolution terms, there's only a limited time to act.

You might want to read the updated terms and conditions carefully on your Roku TV next time you turn it on.

If, like many of us, you just click "I accept," you'll be agreeing to new terms related to its arbitration clause, which dictates how disputes with the company are handled since you've waived your right to sue or take part in a class-action lawsuit against the company.

Forced arbitration isn't new to Roku's terms and conditions. The company only updated how arbitration is carried out between you and Roku.


And if you don't accept, you won't be able to use your device.

So what happens if an issue does arise and you've agreed to the new terms? Well, they state that "you and Roku will participate in an individual meet-and-confer" call — you can have a lawyer present for this. Afterward, the party on the receiving end of the claim can "make a fair, fact-based offer of resolution if it chooses to do so."

Learning about the arbitration has led frustrated owners to take to the company's online forum to complain. Some are accusing the company of coercion, alleging their device was rendered useless until they accepted the new terms.

"Like many companies, Roku updates its terms of service from time to time. When we do, we take steps to make sure customers are informed of the change," a Roku spokesperson told Business Insider.

And if you don't want to sign, there is a way to try and opt out of Roku's new rules (that also apply to new and old claims you might have). Once you've received the new dispute resolution terms, you have 30 days to mail a letter declining arbitration. Sending an email won't work.


"If you send timely written notice containing the required information in accordance with this Section 1(L), then neither party will be required to arbitrate the Claims between them," the T&Cs said.

Roku owners who agreed to the changes just to be able to keep using their TV can still mail in a letter opting out of arbitration — as long as it's sent in on time.

Regardless, some users aren't impressed. "Until they did this, I never thought about suing Roku. I own several Rokus including 3 Roku TVs. I'll never buy another one," one person wrote on the forum.

Update March 8, 2024: This article has been updated to reflect that Roku's latest terms and conditions introduced changes to how its arbitration process is carried out. Its terms of service previously included language around arbitration.

Read the original article on Business Insider