Warm weather continues in Sacramento. How hot will this week get and how long will it last?

Hot weather is slowly making its return to the Sacramento region.

From Monday to Thursday, the city can expect highs between 88 to 94 degrees, according to the National Weather Service. Overnight lows will mostly hover around the high 50s.

This week’s pattern will follow a particularly hot weekend, when temperatures reached 96 degrees on Saturday. The high fell just shy of triple-digit predictions.

“Yesterday (Saturday) was definitely the hottest day going forward for the next week,” said Robert Baruffaldi, meteorologist for the National Weather Service.

The week’s forecast is roughly 10 degrees above typical mid-May temperatures, according to Baruffaldi. Seasonal norms are usually in the low 80s.

Temperatures may begin to start cooling slightly next weekend, with chances of showers and thunderstorms over the Sierra.

But at least for the next few days and on into the summer, people should use caution and keep in mind the symptoms for heat exhaustion and stroke when outdoors.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, groups with the greatest risk for heat-related illness include infants, children under 4, adults older than 65, overweight individuals and people who are ill or on certain medications.