Washington State Patrol issues MIPA alert for Ferndale teen who may have traveled to Seattle

The Washington State Patrol issued a Missing Indigenous Person Alert on behalf of the Lummi Nation Police Department on Friday for a 14-year-old girl last seen locally in Ferndale on Wednesday, Jan. 31.

Ariel Feliciano is described as 5 feet, 3 inches tall and weighing 125 pounds, with brown hair and eyes. She reportedly left Ferndale around 3:30 p.m. Wednesday.

There are unconfirmed reports of Feliciano being seen in the area of 5th Avenue and Pine Street in Seattle the night of Thursday, Feb. 1.

She was last seen wearing gray sweatpants, a black sweatshirt with a hood and white shoes. She was carrying a black backpack with roses on it.

Anyone who has seen her or has any information regarding her location is asked to call 911.

Ariel Feliciano, 14, was last seen Jan. 31 in Ferndale.
Ariel Feliciano, 14, was last seen Jan. 31 in Ferndale.