Watch: Hong Kong students build world's smallest humanoid robot

Feb. 5 (UPI) -- A group of four budding engineers at a Hong Kong school broke a Guinness World Record when they constructed the world's smallest humanoid robot.

Aaron Ho Yat Fung, Isaac Zachary To, Justin Wang Tou Duong and Ngo Hei Leung, members of the robotics team at the Diocesan Boys' School, built a robot measuring 5.55 inches tall, .44 inches shorter than the previous record holder, which was made by Zain Ahmad Qureshi in 2022.

Guinness World Records' rules for the smallest humanoid robot category require the automaton to be capable of bipedal movement, as well as be able to articulate its shoulders, elbows, knees and hips.

The creators said they hope their robot will serve as a low-cost educational tool for low-income students.