Watch live: View over Israel-Gaza border as Netanyahu attacks Hezbollah targets

Watch a live view over the Israel-Gazaborder as fighting with Hamas continues on Monday (23 October).

Israel has now widened its attacks to include targets in Syria and the occupied West Bank.

Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned the Hezbollah militant group that if it launches its own war, “we will cripple it with a force it cannot even imagine”.

This comes as a second aid convoy reached Gaza on Sunday. The humanitarian crisis in the enclave of 2.3 million people has grown since Israel intensified strikes there in retaliation for a surprise attack launched by Hamas on 7 October.

As Israel prepares for a ground invasion of Gaza by intensifying its airstrikes, its soldiers are also engaged in skirmishes and rocket exchanges with Hezbollah, on its border with Lebanon, which has threatened Israel over its plans to invade Gaza.