White House Economic Advisor Deese Plans to Stay Beyond Midterms

(Bloomberg) -- White House National Economic Council Director Brian Deese said he doesn’t plan to leave his post as the Biden administration prepares for what happens after the November elections in which Republicans could win one or both houses of Congress.

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“I’ve got no plans to leave and I’ve got my head down and certainly fully, fully absorbed in what we’re doing,” Deese replied, after being asked whether he will stay for the next two years at an Economic Club of Washington event.

Midterm elections often coincide with an exodus of White House aides, especially if the president appears to be in political trouble or the party in power is poised to lose seats in Congress. Some members of an administration leave voluntarily, or presidents see the two-year mark as an opportune time to shake things up.

A turnover can occur even if the political winds are favorable. Many of President George W. Bush’s top economic officials departed after the midterm elections in 2002, even though his Republican Party gained seats in both the House and Senate, securing control of both chambers.

Axios reported Tuesday night White House officials were preparing for a possible exit by Deese along with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen after November’s midterms.

A White House spokesperson referred to a comment in the report from senior adviser Anita Dunn, stating that Yellen and Deese do not plan to depart.

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