Why doesn’t California AG Rob Bonta investigate Gov. Newsom for spreading disinformation? | Opinion

Fact-checking Gavin Newsom

Gavin Newsom said Kevin McCarthy’s district is the ‘murder capital’ of California. That a fact?,” (sacbee.com, Sept. 17, 2023)

Governor Newsom states, “It’s an interesting fact, the murder capital of California is Kevin McCarthy’s district. It’s the murder capital of California consistently, year in, year out.” Yet, as the article later points out, according to the California Department of Justice, it is another county, not in Speaker McCarthy’s district, which leads the state in homicide rates. Another fact possibly of interest to the governor is that, another article explains that Newsom’s Attorney General appointee Bonta has sued oil companies accusing them of a “disinformation campaign.” Will the AG, who has also filed suits against local elected officials over housing, and school boards over policies which he and the governor find distasteful, consider filing suit against the governor for a “disinformation campaign” against Speaker McCarthy. Or is a lie okay if uttered by your boss?

Bill Motmans



Stop policing homelessness

Sacramento’s DA dangerously politicizes homelessness at the worst possible time,” (sacbee.com, Jul. 23, 2023)

I disagree with the Sacramento DA and its politicizing homelessness. I disagree because Thien Ho has dangerously politicized the region’s worsening problem on homelessness. Ho’s crusade stands no chance of actually improving the homelessness crisis, but, instead, threatens to make it worse. As the article states, if Thien Ho truly wanted to help out the problem, he could support Safe Ground or other organizations that help homelessness, as a way to improve safety around the city. Thien Ho is only trying to make his character look good instead of actually helping the homelessness problem.

Estefany Arredondo

Protect trans kids’ privacy

Gavin Newsom, activists hold crosstown debate over book bans and transgender student policy” (sacbee.com, Aug. 23, 2023)

I think that new transgender policies are a total invasion of privacy for the students and to their families. They leave no space for privacy for kids not ready to come out yet or who do not feel safe enough to come out. The school districts are disregarding the children’s need for privacy. The amount of family problems that this new policy may cause is immense and unnecessary. In many cases, it could put the kids in danger at their own homes.

Zuryzadai Flores


Tax gun sales

California Democrats have long failed to tax guns, ammunition. Could this year be different?” (sacbee.com, Aug. 24, 2023)

At this time, California is considered notably dangerous, ranking forty-fourth for homicides by guns. Simply for the reason guns are too easy to attain. As a high schooler, I experienced how terrifying guns can be and the state of panic they can cause.

If lawmakers pass this tax, there would be many benefits for the safety and emotional state of our people. Additionally, violence prevention programs can provide much-needed support to these troubled individuals.

Leonardo Luna-Castillo


Return Native American Remains

Sacramento State has 114,000 Native American items. It plans to return half of them soon” (sacbee.com, Aug. 31, 2023)

Sacramento State has hoarded the heritage of the American Native peoples for far too long, and the return of this heritage is a good beginning to what hopefully becomes a full reparation of the damage done to these cultures. There are approximately 114,000 articles of human remains that Sacramento State has collected, yet only 6% have been repatriated to the rightful parties. It is saddening that these items have been stockpiled, depriving their ancestral people of their heritage. As a Latino student in my junior year, I know that if someone took away my culture, I’d be devastated. My culture plays a key role in my life. With Sac State on my college list, it gladdens me to hear that they’re taking steps to repair the cultural damage done, and I anticipate the day that these cultural wounds are fully healed.

Juan Pablo Almanza

Elk Grove

Homelessness is not a Choice

Why does anyone in Sacramento believe the myth that people choose to be homeless?” (sacbee.com, Aug. 28, 2023)

I hold the same opinion that people do not choose to be homeless and that the city of Sacramento should approach the homelessness crisis with more sincerity and compassion. Many homeless people suffer from mental illness, substance addiction, or trauma.

These factors are major setbacks that lead to a deterioration in their health, which eventually steers them into the relentless and unforgiving path of homelessness. After years of trying to put them in temporary shelters, the rate of Sacramento’s homeless population remains steadily increasing. In order to find an effective solution, we should implement strategies used by countries that have solved homelessness. Those strategies being housing first and offering support services.This concept has proved to be fruitful, with the homeless spending less time in hospital care. They also show lasting results that have improved their overall stability — and most importantly, solve the homeless issue by housing the homeless.

Ryder Ehinger

Elk Grove