Why Michael Strahan says Dallas Cowboys QBs never come through in pressure situations

FOX NFL Kickoff panelist and NFL Hall of Famer Michael Strahan expressed hesitancy after Rob Gronkowski made the case for the Cowboys as a championship contender.

“I’m gonna live in reality here,” said Strahan, “I played the Cowboys a lot, the year we won the Super Bowl -2008] they were the best team and I truly did believe that, but they never come through in pressure situations.”

Strahan focused on quarterbacks post-Troy Aikman, saying none from Drew Bledsoe to Tony Romo came through in pressure situations.

“Since Troy Aikman, you’ve had Bledsoe, you’ve had Romo, now you have Dak Prescott, they have not come through in pressure situations. So to say that after one game, you’re feeling great cause you beat up on the Giants, which is a great win, don’t think you’re at the Super Bowl,” said Strahan, “ Too many things can happen, too many variables, keep your mouth shut, just play football and keep working... cause of all the pressure you’ve had on you from all the years before, why would you add more this year.”

Strahan wasn’t sure that the Cowboys could make the Super Bowl this season or if Dak was the quarterback that could get them there.

“Do I believe in the Cowboys? Yeah, I believe they have talent. Do I believe they’re gonna go to the Super Bowl? I don’t know, I think I have more faith that the button on Jay Glazers’ jacket is gonna hold up more than the Cowboys,” said Strahan.

“I’m not saying they need another quarterback, they need to have a quarterback, and maybe Daks the guy, that when it counts they finish and they have not had that in over 20 years,” said Strahan.