Heat wave could spark new fires, set records ablaze in B.C.

From spring flooding and wildfires to thunderstorms and heat, B.C. is experiencing the wicked side of Mother Nature this month.

The Mother's Day weekend will see extreme heat that'll push the envelope even for May standards. Although the ridge is not as strong as the deadly June 2021 heat dome, it is on the extreme end for May.

Visit The Weather Network's wildfire hub to keep up with the latest on the active start to wildfire season across Western Canada.

Temperatures will reach well into low 30s inland, elevating the wildfire danger and the risk for health issues across the province.


Saturday through Monday

Areas: British Columbia

Weather: High temperatures into the low- to mid-30s are possible for the Interior and inland coastal sections. The latter will be in the high 20s and into the low 30s. Temperature will rise over the weekend with peak values occurring Sunday and Monday

Threats: High confidence that high heat will move into the region, breaking daily temperature records. There is lower confidence that any monthly temperature records will be broken, but it is possible.


RELATED: Smoky skies expected for swath of B.C. as fires burn in northeast and Alberta


The risks associated with any heat wave include health issues such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion.

People are advised to take the following precautions to protect themselves, their families and their neighbours:

  • Consider rescheduling outdoor activities to cooler hours of the day.

  • Take frequent breaks from the heat, spending time in cooled indoor spaces where possible.

  • Drink plenty of water and other non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated beverages to stay hydrated.

  • Check for your children or pets before you exit your vehicle. Do not leave any person or pet inside a closed vehicle, for any length of time.


We're also on the lookout for more melting and flooding concerns throughout the province.

RELATED: 3 homes destroyed by Boundary Lake wildfire in northeast B.C

In communities with elevated or high wildfire danger ratings, or could be threatened by a blaze in the near future, residents should take time now to review emergency preparedness and evacuation plans in the event of a nearby fire. Individuals and families should be prepared to take care of themselves for at least 72 hours in case of evacuation due to wildfires.


A strong upper-level ridge will build over Western Canada through the weekend, potentially becoming one of the strongest high pressure ridges in the region by May standards.


The feedback cycle of this heat dome will push temperatures warmer through the weekend, peaking on Sunday and Monday.

WATCH: What is a 'heat dome', and why is it so dangerous?

Click here to view the video

Thumbnail courtesy of B.C. Wildfire Service/Twitter.

Stay with The Weather Network for the latest on conditions throughout the region.