Williamson ‘unsuspending’ presidential campaign

Author Marianne Williamson announced Wednesday that she is “unsuspending” her presidential campaign, claiming American voters are “watching a car crash in slow motion” with the current candidates.

“Hey, I have an important announcement to make. As of today, I am unsuspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States,” Williamson said in a video posted to X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

The long-shot Biden challenger announced she was suspending her campaign in a video three weeks ago.

She acknowledged in Wednesday’s video that she dropped out because “I was losing the horse race.”

“But, something so much more important than the horse race is at stake here. And we must respond,” she said.

Williamson’s announcement came just after the Michigan primary election results, where former President Trump and President Biden easily won their respective primaries, but not without signs some voters from both parties are unhappy about their likely nominee.

In her video, the author called Trump a “fascist” who must be defeated. She also questioned Biden and his economic agenda.

“What’s going on here? Well, I’ll tell you what’s going on here: ‘We the People’ basically don’t own this country right now,” she said, adding that presidential politics has become corrupt with corporate interests.

Williamson, a writer and progressive Democrat, ran to the left of Biden and hoped to appeal to voters who are not satisfied with establishment party politics.

Critics have said her bid is not sophisticated enough to present a real threat to the Biden campaign, which has the support of the Democratic National Committee. She faced issues in her campaign before, experiencing staffing issues.

She argued Wednesday that “we need a president” who will eliminate student loan debt and provide Medicare for all, tuition-free college, paid family leave and guaranteed living wages, among other initiatives.

Williamson also highlighted the economic issues facing many Americans in her comeback message. A majority of Americans experience economic anxiety, and she argued that returning the country to a time when “we actually had a thriving middle class” is what it means to make America great again.

“Some people tell [me], ‘Miss Williamson, you’re delusional,'” she said. “I’ll tell you what’s delusional: What’s delusional is just closing our eyes and crossing our fingers and just hoping that somehow Biden and Harris will be able to beat that juggernaut of dark, dark vision.”

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