With wind and solar power outputs low, ERCOT asks Texans to conserve energy Sunday

Due to low wind power production, low solar generation projections and hot temperatures, ERCOT is asking Texans to reduce electricity use when it is safe to do so, according to a news release.

The agency, which manages Texas’ electric grid, is asking people to voluntarily conserve energy from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday, according to the news release. ERCOT forecasts high demand and low reserves. ERCOT is also asking for all government agencies, including city and county buildings, to continue programs to reduce energy use at their facilities.

According to the news release, requesting voluntary energy use reduction is an industry practice widely used to reduce demand on the electric grid during peak use hours during the summer’s hottest weather.

While it is asking Texans to voluntarily conserve electricity Sunday afternoon and evening, ERCOT said in the news release that it is not yet experiencing emergency conditions. Instead, the request to reduce energy use is a measure to prevent an emergency. Other measures are being taken, such as bringing additional generators online sooner than scheduled and using reserve power.

ERCOT avoided an emergency Saturday due to the energy conservation efforts of Texans, the agency said in the news release. It expects to continue experiencing near-record demand Sunday.

If anybody is currently experiencing an outage, ERCOT says it is local and “not related to overall grid reliability.”

Sunday’s high temperature is expected to reach 101 degrees, but high temperatures Monday are forecast to drop into the 90s in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, bringing brief relief from the heat and a chance of rain.

ERCOT said residents can find energy-saving tips at ercot.com/txans.