YouTube and Minecraft Star 'Dream' Reveals His Face to 30 Million Fans for the First Time

YouTube Minecraft Gamer Dream Reveals His Face for the First Time to Millions of Fans
YouTube Minecraft Gamer Dream Reveals His Face for the First Time to Millions of Fans

Dream/Youtube (2)

"Dream" has stepped out from behind the mask.

The YouTube star — whose real name is Clay — revealed his face for the first time, more than three years after he began publishing videos using footage from Minecraft on the platform.

The reveal occurred in a video published to Dream's channel — where he's got 30.6 million subscribers — on Sunday night, which showed him holding up a smiley face mask before letting it down to show his face.

"My name is Clay; maybe you've heard of me, maybe not," the 23-year-old said in the video. "Maybe you clicked on this video out of pure curiosity, and you don't care who I am. But now you've seen my face."

The video garnered over 21.9 million views and 2.5 million likes on YouTube in less than a day.

In the second half of the video, Dream explained that he decided to reveal his face because he finally planned to meet one of his best friends, YouTuber George "GeorgeNotFound" Davidson, in real life.

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"George is going to be in the airport and I'm gonna meet him for the first time," Dream said. "I've known him so long. It feels like my entire life."

Dream said he wanted to use the opportunity to share his face so he could explore new ways of making content — and because he simply wanted to meet the friends he had made online in person.

"My goal was to just start doing things," he explained. "Get out. Meet creators. Say hi to my friends, finally. Just get out in the world, be an actual creator. Be a person."

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Dream — who won the Gaming Award at the 2021 and 2020 YouTube Streamy Awards — said others tried to leak his appearance before the reveal.

"There's too many — just a tiny bit too much," he said while laughing, before saying that attempts by others to show his face had "gone a little far."

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Dream assured fans that the face reveal would not dramatically change the shape of his YouTube channel, but would allow him to post more "in real life" content with his friends.

"What does this mean for me? I'm going to keep making the same content," Dream explained. "I'm going to make Minecraft videos. I don't plan on adding a face cam, to be honest, but I will make more IRL content as well, where I'm with my friends, and we do things."

"This channel is living proof that anyone can do anything. Anyone can be under the mask," he continued. "And I don't want my face reveal to take away from that fact because it's true, and it can be. And you can do it, if you want to. Dream could've been anyone from anywhere."