New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern leaves legacy even in how she's leaving

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has had enough and is willing to say so.

“I know what this job takes, and I know that I no longer have enough in the tank to do it justice,” she said Thursday. “It is that simple.”

And so, 5½ years into her tenure, she is stepping down in February, eight months before New Zealand’s next election.

This is being covered around the world as astonishing news, but countless women will have little trouble understanding why the 42-year-old world leader wants to prioritize her well-being.

Seven months ago, The Guardian reported that threats against Ardern had nearly tripled over three years. Most of this menace has come from two groups: Pro-gun zealots who hate her for legislation banning most military-style weapons, and anti-vaxxers who hate her for strict COVID-19 policies that saved lives. Both efforts had catapulted her to global fame – and we all know how a certain percentage of men feel about a woman who refuses to cower to their misogyny.

Ardern did what women do

New Zealand has a population of 5.1 million. It is roughly the size of South Carolina; half the size of Georgia. So how did Ardern, the youngest woman in the world elected to lead a government, become so famous?

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern claims election victory in Auckland on Oct. 17, 2020.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern claims election victory in Auckland on Oct. 17, 2020.

She was 37 when elected in 2017. The following year she had a baby, making her only the second elected world leader to give birth in office. The first was Pakistan’s Benazir Bhutto in 1990. My, this slow crawl of progress.

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Ardern's leadership was tested early and often.

On March 15, 2019, a lone gunman opened fire on two mosques during Friday prayers in the southern city of Christchurch. He killed 51 Muslims as he broadcast the shooting live on Facebook.

Arden did what women do: She showed up. Her hair was cloaked in a hijab as she hugged and consoled grieving survivors. She also did what most women in America want: Less than a month after the massacre, she shepherded legislation to change guns law, banning nearly all military-style semi-automatic weapons. Only one member of parliament voted against it.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern departs prayer for victims of shootings at two mosques in Christchurch in 2019.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern departs prayer for victims of shootings at two mosques in Christchurch in 2019.

"To owners who have legitimate uses for their guns, I want to reiterate that the actions being announced today are not because of you and are not directed at you," Ardern said. "Our actions, on behalf of all New Zealanders, are directed at making sure this never happens again."

As U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rightly pointed out at the time on Twitter, "Sandy Hook happened 6 years ago and we can’t even get the Senate to hold a vote on universal background checks. …

"Christchurch happened, and within days New Zealand acted to get weapons of war out of the consumer market. This is what leadership looks like."

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A year later, the pandemic arrived. Ardern quickly closed her country’s borders and enforced strict quarantine requirements for returning New Zealanders. Ensuing lockdowns kept infection rates dramatically low, earning her global praise and a landslide reelection.

The 'real reason was' life

She faced a tough reelection, but she has proved herself to be a tough competitor, and it’s hard to believe that alone is pulling her out. She’s aware that we’re wondering.

“I know there will be much discussion in the aftermath of this decision as to what the so-called ‘real reason was.’ I can tell you that what I’m sharing today is it. The only interesting angle that you will find is that after going on six years of some big challenges, I am human. Politicians are human. We give all that we can for as long as we can, and then it’s time. And for me, it’s time.”

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I am remembering that moment last November, when Ardern stood on stage beside Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin and a male reporter asked whether the leaders had met because they were “similar in age and, you know, got a lot of common stuff there.” He didn’t provide a map for destination “there,” but we all knew what he meant. They were just two gals gabbing about world affairs and mani-pedi appointments.

Ardern was having none of that. “My first question is I wonder whether or not anyone ever asked Barack Obama and John Key if they meet because they were of similar age. We of course have a higher proportion of men in politics. It’s reality. Because two women meet, it’s not simply because of their gender.”

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This week, Ardern listed her proudest achievements and said she hoped for a legacy "as someone who always tried to be kind.

"I hope I leave New Zealanders with a belief that you can be kind but strong, empathetic but decisive, optimistic but focused. And that you can be your own kind of leader – one who knows when it's time to go."

The toll and inspiration of leadership

Anyone practiced in the art of kindness knows its power, but also its limits. A powerful legacy, indeed, especially for women and the girls who are watching.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern resigned. What that says about privilege, burnout.

She said nothing about the threats of violence. Good. I understand the desire not to give the haters that victory. True leaders do not create crises, they respond to them. Now, in real time, she is showing us both the toll of that leadership, and its inspired next steps.

We will hear again from Jacinda Ardern.

In her time, in her way.

USA TODAY columnist Connie Schultz is a Pulitzer Prize winner whose novel, “The Daughters of Erietown,” is a New York Times bestseller. You can reach her at or on Twitter: @ConnieSchultz

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern resigns – and inspires