Zombie colleges roam the internet, here's how to spot a legitimate, living university

A USA TODAY investigation has exposed websites set up for closed universities posing as viable colleges.

Whoever is behind the copycat sites has been collecting application fees and personal student identity information. Once USA TODAY reached out to them for comment, some of the sites and their application links came down.

The investigation also found a network of fictitious colleges claiming to be accredited, generally the gold standard of legitimate universities in the U.S., however, those accreditors appear to be fabricated as well.  (Do you know more about these colleges, tell us.)

Investigation: Zombie colleges? These universities are living another life online, and no one can say why

So how can prospective students know which schools actually offer an education and which may be fronts for something else?  Luckily, there are telltale signs. But it may take some sleuthing.

Is it accredited?

If a university wants to offer federal student aid, it has to be:

◾ Approved by a college accreditor.

◾ Approved by the state it resides in.

◾ Certified by the U.S. Department of Education, based, in part, on the first two.

Oversight of a school’s academic offerings falls to the accreditor, who is expected to review curriculums regularly. These accrediting agencies also visit schools in person.

Prospective students can see if a school is truly accredited by looking it up on the federal government’s consumer guide to schools, the College Scorecard. Universities also often list their accreditors on their websites, which students can check against the accreditors’ own lists. Many states maintain a list of schools they have authorized as well.

Check the web address

It can be as simple as just checking the end of the university’s web address.

Generally, only accredited colleges can use a .edu domain in their URL. Domains ending in .college, .education, or .university aren’t restricted to educational institutions, though. The website backed by former staffers at Marymount California University is marymountcalifornia.edu whereas the imposter website is at marymountcalifornia.education.

Or pick up your phone and try to reach someone in college admissions. Legitimate colleges have entire staffs eager to talk to prospective students. It’s their job.

Some of the questions to ask:

◾ When is the next application deadline?

◾ What do you need for the application? An essay? Test scores? Do you accept the Common Application, a form used by hundreds of colleges?

◾ How much does your program cost? Do you offer federal financial aid?

How do I tell if a college accreditor is real?

Some of the imposter websites appeared to have created their own accreditors. Skeptical applicants can verify an accreditor's legitimacy by checking the Education Department’s list of approved agencies.

Note: Some accreditors are set up to approve only specific academic programs. Look instead for institutional accreditation, i.e., approval of all of the schools’ operations.

Pay close attention to accreditors’ names too. Some counterfeit schools claimed accreditation by the “United States Higher Learning Commission.” That is close to the actual accrediting organization known as “The Higher Learning Commission.”

Does the school have an address? Google it

Some of the counterfeit universities claim strange addresses. The original Stratford University, for example, was in Virginia, but the imposter says the university is in Kentucky. In that case, a Google Street View search of the Kentucky address reveals no signage for a university.

Many of the fictitious universities on the website of the Ministry of Higher Education Commission, one of the made-up accreditors, list unusual physical addresses too. The address for “Dakota Hill University,” for example, is actually home to Black Hills State University, a school that is accredited. USA TODAY found other schools with addresses that showed up on Google as nondescript office buildings, even parking garages.

Be aware of the university’s size too. Some legitimate and smaller schools focused on career skills can be in office parks. But such a location would be unusual for large state or private colleges.

Has anyone else attended this college? Who teaches there?

Try to find past students. With LinkedIn, it’s easy to locate graduates of any college. Some schools also have alumni associations where prospective students may be able to learn more about the institution.

Be wary of student testimonials that live solely on a college’s website because those could be fabricated by the operators of the university. Apply the same skepticism to sites that gather anonymous reviews such as Yelp – or even the reviews you might find on Google or Facebook.

University professors should also have a web presence. Legitimate colleges often have individual web pages for their faculty members. Some college websites also feature past course catalogs. The new Stratford website, in contrast, listed only broad descriptions of its degree offerings and did not indicate who would be teaching those courses. That also was true of other zombie sites.

Chris Quintana is a reporter on the USA TODAY investigations team with a background in higher education and student loans. Contact him at cquintana@usatoday.com, @CquintanaDC on Instagram and X, or by Signal at 202-308-9021.   

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Is my college real and accredited? A guide to avoid fake schools