PEI government’s sex-ed guide called creepy

The Prince Edward Island government — as other governments do — have put out a booklet about children's sexual behaviours.

This excerpt from the booklet's introduction explains why.

It is normal for children under the age of 12 to behave in sexual ways. In fact, according to William Friedrich of the Mayo clinic, sexual behaviour in children peaks between the ages of three and six .

However, some sexual behaviour in children may be an indication that there is something wrong – that the child has been sexually molested, has been exposed prematurely to adult sexual knowledge, or has begun to use sexual behaviour as a way to get emotional needs met, etc .

This guide is intended to provide parents with information to help determine whether their child’s behaviour is normal and healthy, or a sign that something may be wrong .

There are some, however, taking exception to the content of the booklet.

At issue is a chart in the 'parents' guide' which classifies each 'sexual' behaviour as: 'natural and healthy', 'of concern' or 'seek professional help' for different age groups.

Here are two of the specific 'natural and healthy' behaviours that are raising some eyebrows:

- Ages 3 to 5

Touches the “private parts” of familiar adults and children with hand or body

- Kindergarten to Grade 4 aged children:

Looks at nude pictures on the Internet, videos, magazines, etc

It's important to note that the chart also says that it's a "concern" if a child "touches/rubs the private parts of familiar children or adults after they have been told consistently not to do so"

Nevertheless, a couple of right-leaning organizations are disappointed with the P.E.I. government.

Gwen Landolt, National Vice President of REAL Women of Canada told that the guidelines are "permissive" and an attempt to make children more "vulnerable to sexual activity."

"This is not only inappropriate, but destructive," Landolt, whose organization made headlines for recently launching an attack against the Harper government's defence of gay rights on the international stage, said.

"I don’t know what ‘children’ they are referring to, but no normal children do these things at those age groups."

The Sun News network also took umbrage to the guide calling it "creepy."

"They're being encouraged in fact, it says do not discourage these children. Do not discipline them. Do not shame them should they do any one of these listed healthy habits," commentator Faith Goldy said.

"...You would be put in jail for allowing a child to touch your genitalia with or her hand or body. Yet we have the government putting out some sort of guideline telling us 'hey, it's cool, don't discourage them.'"

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The sexual behaviour chart and guidelines were developed by psychologist Toni Cavanagh Johnson, PhD.

Johnson, who is based in California, has written five books and numerous journal articles about sexual behavior problems and child sexual abuse.

Obviously, some disagree with her years of research.

You can judge her expertise for yourself in the booklet here.

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