Passenger captures crash landing of small plane on video

A Utah man was taking a plane ride with his wife and baby earlier this month when they discovered the carburetor had iced over and the pilot would have to emergency land, according to a passenger's online story. The man's first thought? Time to take out the camera.

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The video, uploaded by Jonathan Fielding, begins after the family learned there were mechanical problems. Fielding narrates as the plane searches for somewhere to land in the snow, saying he's scared and excited, but he's sure they'll be okay.

The plane suddenly crashes to the ground and the camera shakes violently before pointing at two of the passengers' legs. It's a frightening moment before everyone exits the plane to survey the damage and you realize no one is seriously hurt.

The video description says Fielding and his wife took a flight for his wife's birthday, bringing their 7-month-old baby boy with them. The description says this was his wife's first time flying, and given the result, you would think it's also her last.

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But when she's asked in the video if she'll fly again, she says yes.

Footage of the aftermath shows the plane's tail smashed to bits and the nose crushed.

Now there's a home video for the collection.