4-year-old girl calls 911, saves pregnant mother's life

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Last Wednesday, 4-year-old Calise Manning saved her mother’s life.

Calise was at home in Kalamazoo, Mich., with her 9-months pregnant mother, Centerria, when Centerria, who is epileptic, went into a seizure.

Calise knew exactly what to do: She called 911.

"She’s shaking and she’s having a baby," Calise told a 911 dispatcher in audio obtained by WWMT. “My mom is really pregnant and she’s having a boy and she really needs help.”

Shortly before the ambulance arrived, Centerria woke up to find her daughter at her side.

"She was standing over me," she recalled. “She was like ‘OK Mommy, the ambulance is going to be here in a minute.’”

Centerria was rushed to Borgess Medical Center where Calise’s baby brother, TJ, was born on Friday morning.

"She doesn’t want anyone to hold him but her," Centerria told ABC News. “[She said] ‘I’m the best big sister in the world.’ She’s loving it.”

Both mother and baby are doing well, and should be released from the hospital soon.

"Everyone is doing fine," Borgess officials told the Kalamazoo Gazette.

Centerria said she had been preparing Calise for the possibility of a similar scenario since she was two years old.

"I explained to Calise, ‘Mommy has seizures,’" Centerria told ABC News. “Just in case I ever had one, she wouldn’t freak out.”

Just as she had practiced, Calise remained calm and explained the situation to a dispatcher. She didn’t cry or panic, and even opened the door for the paramedics.

"I was so proud of her, because we practiced and I teach her because I am epileptic," Centerria told WWMT. “I (taught) her the address and my full name and things like that, and how to dial 911.”

"She was like, ‘I told you I was gonna take care of you if something happened,’" Centerria said of her daughter’s response to the praise.

The 911 dispatcher who took Calise’s call is recommending the young hero get an award for her quick-thinking and calm demeanour during the scary situation.