Australian zoo releases adorable Little Penguins

Yesterday, Sydney's Taronga Zoo released eight Little Penguins (the smallest species of penguin, also known as Blue, or Fairy Penguins) at Fishermans Beach.

The birds had been treated at the zoo for a variety of reasons — malnourishment, man- and predator-inflicted injury and moulting — and were ready for re-entry into the wild.

The penguins had been found in multiple locations along the coastline of the Australian state of New South Wales.

"Most of these birds were brought to us by people who saw them in difficulties and took action. The community's awareness of Little Penguins and other wildlife is increasing all the time and by acting, they give us the best chance to help the birds through difficult times," said Taronga Wildlife Hospital manager, Libby Hall, in a press release.

The zoo's official site explains that the penguins are especially vulnerable during their annual moult. The Little Penguins can't re-enter the water to fish until their new feathers have grown in. They often become emaciated or attacked by domestic pets on the beach during this period.

Mark Williams, Taronga Zoo's spokesperson, told The Manly Daily the penguins had each reached a healthy weight of 1 kg.

The zoo is currently caring for another four birds not yet ready for release.

(Photo credits: Daniel Munoz/Reuters)