Flood situation looking worse

Saskatchewan's latest flood forecast is out and the news isn't good — it shows "high risk" areas expanding.

In March, when the province's water security agency released its runoff projection map, it showed an elevated flood risk over most of southern and central Saskatchewan, with a few "normal" areas as well.

Regina, Moose Jaw and an area between Saskatoon and Prince Albert were the regions officials were most concerned about.

On Monday, the agency released its April runoff map and if anything, conditions appear worse.

The area of "very high" flood risk now includes Saskatoon, the province's biggest city. The red zone that included Regina and Moose Jaw has now expanded to include Weburn and other communities.

The extreme southeast, an area that includes Estevan, looked relatively safe in March, but now is considered an area of higher than normal runoff.

Ken Cheveldayoff is the minister responsible for the water security agency, urged people to look at the forecast and make the appropriate preparations for flooding.

"The melt in eastern Saskatchewan is mostly waiting to happen and that is increasing the risk of a fast melt and higher flows," he said. Cheveldayoff was also urging communities to take advantage of government programs, which include money for sandbags and other flood help.