Funds for Tecumseh monument tough to come by

A plan to develop a memorial to Chief Tecumseh in Chatham-Kent is proving to be an uphill battle.

The Friends of the Tecumseh Monument are trying to raise $4.2-million for an open-air museum at the site where he died in the War of 1812.

Committee chair Lisa Gilbert said the group has collected less than $10,000 so far.

"Canadian government, provincial government, [people] on the other side of the border, I've never found anyone who's said, 'That's not a good idea,'" she said. "It's a fantastic idea and everybody realizes that it's something that should've happened years ago. But actually coming up with the money is a little bit different."

Gilbert expects to get no more than $500,000 from Ottawa. She is approaching national corporations for donations. And, Gilbert said the group is willing to be less ambitious with its plans.

"We can pare that $4.2-million figure down," she said. "We've also begun to prioritize so if we only get part of the project done, OK. Our biggest problem is that we don't have a lot of time."

The group is launching a website they hope will generate more interest in the project.