34 new charges laid against former Moncton-area teacher alleging voyeurism, sex crimes

Stephen Blackwood is a former supply teacher in the Moncton area.  (Stephen Blackwood/Instagram - image credit)
Stephen Blackwood is a former supply teacher in the Moncton area. (Stephen Blackwood/Instagram - image credit)

A former Moncton-area teacher faces dozens of new charges, most alleging voyeurism in a pool locker room last year.

Stephen Riley Blackwood, 37, made a brief appearance in Moncton provincial court by phone Friday to get a sentencing date for the other charges. Instead, 34 new charges were laid.

He faces 31 charges alleging voyeurism in the locker room of the Dieppe aquatics centre over various dates between July 26 and Nov. 5 last year.

He also faces three other charges involving a person under 16 years old, who cannot be named.

Those charges allege he sexually assaulted and sexually touched the person in Moncton on Nov. 3 last year. The third charge is voyeurism, alleging he made a visual recording of the person.

The Dieppe Aquatic and Sports Centre is about to undergo a five-week renovation project prior to its 10th anniversary in September.
The Dieppe Aquatic and Sports Centre is about to undergo a five-week renovation project prior to its 10th anniversary in September.

Thirty-one of the charges allege Blackwood recorded people in a locker room at the Dieppe Aquatic and Sports Centre last year. (City of Dieppe)

The latest charges are the most Blackwood has faced since various investigations began last fall.

Blackwood was a supply teacher for the Anglophone East School District between Oct. 26 and Nov. 4, 2022. He previously worked as a substitute teacher in the St. John's metro region for nine years.

In September he pleaded guilty to five counts of sexual interference. The charges alleged Blackwood directly or indirectly touched people under 16 for a sexual purpose in Moncton and Petitcodiac, N.B., between September and December last year.

He was back in court Friday for sentencing dates to be set on those charges. However, that didn't happen because of the new charges.

Dustin Caissie, Blackwood's lawyer, told Judge Paul Duffie they wanted to adjourn the case several weeks.

"Given the turn of events, we would like to discuss" the case, Caissie said.

Blackwood also faces charges of sexual interference, sexual assault, and assault in Fredericton. He also is charged with failing to comply with a release condition in Amherst, N.S., last fall.

Those charges were being transferred to Moncton to deal with.

Duffie scheduled the various cases to return to court on Oct. 25.

Blackwood posted multiple videos to social media over recent years under the name "blamzooka" and featuring children at water parks in Ontario and New Brunswick, beaches in various locations, and the Pointe-du-Chêne wharf near Shediac.

The cases against Blackwood began in Fredericton last fall. Police in that city were called Nov. 10 about a man recording children at four hotel pools.