6 Times That Left Handed People Took On The World And Won

We are southpaw, we are cack-handed, we are skiffle-handed, we are PROUD LEFTIES.

Today is left-handed day, and it’s a time to embrace the struggle of not being able to use conventional scissors in school, and the humiliation of getting a thick line of ink on our hands every time we attempt to write a lengthy letter.

But for all our faults, we can count some pretty impressive names among our ranks – including musical trailblazers, world-changing politicians, and champion sports stars.

Here’s just a few of the left-handers who took on the world and won.

Winston Churchill

The epitome of British resilience, grit and determination. It was Churchill who led Britain to victory against the Nazi’s, and it’s a fair assumption that his iconic ‘We shall fight them on the beaches’ speech was penned by that left hand of his.

Paul McCartney

He’s arguably the most influential musician of the last 100 years, and a great deal of those lyrics will have been put to paper with that left hand of his. We seriously doubt that Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band would have been the masterpiece that it is (perhaps).

President Barack Obama

The first African-American president of the United States, and a man who manages to make politics seem effortlessly cool. Here’s that left hand of his in action (complete with a standard hook grip, obvs).

Oprah Winfrey

One of the most influential women in the world, with a whole array of films and TV shows to her name – and a net worth of 3 billion. Total world beater.

Emma Thompson

As far as British thespians go, Emma Thompson is up there with the best – with turns in everything from Harry Potter to Saving Mr Banks, and a double Oscar winner.

Leonardo Da Vinci

The godfather of modern design and an artistic revolutionary. That iconic design of Vitruvian man? Straight from his left hand.

See? We’re not that different after all.