Almost new truck offers many benefits

COBALT - Cobalt council is in full support of the purchase of a barely used 2022 F550 truck.

The council had budgeted for the purchase of a used truck for the public works department that could be used for multiple purposes in the municipality.

Identifying a barely used truck with remaining warranty was seen as a very positive find by staff and council.

The truck only has 18,500 kilometres on it, town manager Steve Dalley advised council at its May 28 meeting.

"It would be $53 a month extra on it but we would look at other cost savings to offset it," he told council.

"The plus on this one is the warranty and low mileage and also the aluminum box on it."

Additions can be added over the years to expand its uses in the municipality, he said.

Darlene Wroe, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Temiskaming Speaker