'Anti-government provocateurs of chaos'

 Donald Trump.
Donald Trump.

'A vote for either a Republican House or Trump amounts to a demand for chaos'

Jennifer Rubin in The Washington Post

Democrats have "the wind at their backs" ahead of the 2024 elections, says Jennifer Rubin in The Washington Post. The Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade "lit up the Democratic Party as no issue has in my lifetime," and it showed in the 2020 midterms. Since then, Republicans have "doubled down" on everything that "repulsed voters outside the MAGA base" and revealed themselves as "anti-government provocateurs of chaos." Democrats can win in 2024 with a simple message: "'Don't let the crazies back in.' It even fits on a bumper sticker."

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'Lawlessness has become routine'

William McGurn in The Wall Street Journal

"Shoplifting has become an epidemic," writes William McGurn in The Wall Street Journal. Brazen theft has forced chains like Whole Foods and Target to close stores. Blame "the abandonment of broken-windows policing," which hinges on the theory that if "you sweat the small stuff" that makes people “feel unsafe,” like petty crime and vandalized windows, "you'll catch problems before they metastasize." A backlash over tactics like New York's stop-and-frisk forced police to pull back, opening the floodgates.

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'Family movie nights have become as stale as leftover popcorn'

Melissa Henson in The Washington Times

Family movie night is a "low-cost, low-stress way to spend time together," says Parents Television and Media Council Vice President Melissa Henson in The Washington Times, but it's hard to find content that's appropriate for children. A study by the organization found there is "at least 268% more adults-only entertainment on streaming platforms than content that is suitable for families." That's wrong, and it's bad business. Expanding G-rated content would "help streamers tap into a broader market."

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'Ukraine wants its country back'

Raphael S. Cohen and Gian Gentile in Foreign Policy

Calls to negotiate an end with Russia to the Ukraine war are mounting, say Raphael S. Cohen and Gian Gentile in Foreign Policy. Many Republicans, in particular, "are growing wary of sending aid to Ukraine." But Russia is "fraying." Besides, Ukrainians are the ones "fighting and dying." "Pressuring them to capitulate" would be "arrogant and self-righteous." It also would send the "dangerous message" that Washington only challenges aggressive autocrats like Vladimir Putin when it's "politically convenient."

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