The BBC sees itself as the voice of righteousness – that is why it can never cure itself of bias

BBC Broadcasting House
BBC Broadcasting House

You might have thought if you watched the heir to the throne deliver a thunderous public denunciation of the BBC over the Martin Bashir revelations – implying as he did that the Corporation’s failure of responsibility had actually played a role in his mother’s death – that this was the end. Surely  no national broadcaster could come back from a condemnation by the monarchy in the person of a bereaved son.

The Corporation which had somehow managed to survive the appalling Jimmy Savile scandal would now be in such disgrace that its authority and its compulsory public funding would have to be drastically revised. Nope. What did happen was that an innocent party who had unjustly suffered career damage in the Bashir fracas was compensated to avoid any further embarrassment, and a presenter on the Today programme characterised Prince William’s furious statement as “one great British institution attacking another”.

In other words, the BBC is, in its own eyes, as fundamental to the nation’s identity as the royal family. Indeed, possibly more so since the monarchy could be seen as a relic of the past (specifically, the colonial, slave-owning past as the BBC likes to present it) while the national broadcaster is fervently dedicated to staying absolutely up to date with modern ideas and attitudes. That is the key to this. You might think when you survey the obsession with historic guilt and cultural self-abasement that dominates its programming, and particularly its digital presence, that the Corporation is shamelessly biased in favour of Left-liberal ideology.

But there is a fatal difference of opinion here over the meaning of political “impartiality”. For example, when the BBC implicitly treats that section of the population which resents mass migration simply as bigots (“far Right”) this is not, in its own terms, being partial: it is defending indisputable Virtue against Evil. It cannot actually see any legitimate scope for argument here.

The BBC is the anointed voice of enlightened social conscience. As somebody who worked as a BBC broadcaster for many years, I can assure you that what appears to be smug, arrogant political bias is truly regarded in the corridors of that extraordinarily expensive new headquarters as a sacred remit to convey the only acceptable truth.

If the occasional scandal or misrepresentation slips through, that is a minor transgression which must not be allowed to distract from the great mission of leading a benighted population into the light. The contempt for those viewers and listeners who believe that there might be two legitimate sides to some of the most contentious issues of the day is palpable. This is why the only possible response to criticisms from outside the acceptable frame of reference (which is heavily weighted toward the affluent and urban) is to reject them outright and effectively deny that any decent person could hold such views.

So the BBC will go on – and on – in its blithe contempt for vast swathes of the country and its insistence that its own voice is, not just correct, but morally necessary. This is in spite of the fact that it is alienating today’s audiences with its patronising insistence on leading public opinion rather than trying to reflect it.

Its funding model should now be seen as hopelessly out of line with modern democracy: the licence fee is not a permit to watch the BBC, it is a licence to own a television. This is rather like communist Romania where you needed a licence to own a typewriter. It should be obviously anomalous as should the social condescension and snobbery of the BBC philosophy. But nobody in power – or who hopes to be in power – is going to say that.

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