Bethnal Green: Woman killed in lorry crash in east London

The collision happened on Cambridge Heath Road in Bethnal Green (Google Maps)
The collision happened on Cambridge Heath Road in Bethnal Green (Google Maps)

A female pedestrian has been killed after a collision with a lorry in east London.

Police were called at 10.44am on Thursday to reports of a crash at Cambridge Heath Road in Bethnal Green.

Officers and London Ambulance Service attended but sadly the 50-year-old woman was pronounced dead at the scene 12 minutes later at 10.56am.

Enquiries are under way to notify next of kin.

The driver of the lorry stopped at the scene and the Metropolitan police said there have been no arrests.

Road closures and cordons remain in place at the scene, the force said.

A police spokesperson told the Standard: “Police were called at 10:44hrs on Thursday, 23 May to reports of a collision at Cambridge Heath Road, E2.

“Officers and London Ambulance Service attended.

“At the scene a woman, aged 50, had been in collision with a lorry. Sadly she was pronounced dead at the scene at 10:56hrs.”

In January a cyclist was injured in a crash involving a Metropolitan Police car nearby.

The man, 36, was knocked off his bike at 10.30pm on Bethnal Green Road, near the A107 junction, in Bethnal Green, on Wednesday.

The cyclist was treated for his injuries by paramedics in the road.

The rider was taken to a major trauma centre but his condition is not deemed life-threatening or life-changing, the Met said.

Anyone who witnessed the incident in Cambridge Heath Road or has footage can contact the police on 101 or post on X @MetCC quoting 2377/23MAY.