Apple and Adobe criticized for 'fixing' female smile at iPad Pro unveiling

(Photo: Instagram/dal_atwal_designs)

People have taken to social media to express a virtual snarl at Adobe after it “fixed” a woman’s smile during the Apple fall events preview.

When Adobe’s director of design, Eric Snowden, introduced a new feature called Adobe Fix, he demonstrated first-hand how it lets you change a person’s facial features.
Using an image of a woman’s face with a blank expression, Snowden used the feature to shift her lips into a smile.

“I can just give her a little more of a smile,” he said.

Twitter exploded in outrage, with many pointing out that “fixing” or “making” a woman smile was entirely inappropriate. Some called the move “tone-deaf”.

Wow, @Adobe demonstrating new features by making a woman smile is a PR faux pas alright. Why not use men to demonstrate such features?

— DerrySketcher (@DerrySketcher) September 10, 2015

“I wish she had a little bit more of a smile!" not creepy at all #apple

— Melody (@melkimx) September 10, 2015

I'm glad I'm not the only one who found Adobe's "make her smile" demo offputting

— Aeva (⚤+⚡=⚥) (@ladyaeva) September 9, 2015

So you're telling me no one in @apple PR previewed this Adobe demo and was like "guys, let's not force a woman to smile during this."

— Nilkanth Patel (@nilkanthjp) September 9, 2015

I’m sure the Adobe guy had no idea that making a woman smile had such a negative connotation. AND THAT’S EXACTLY THE PROBLEM.

— Joe Schmitt (@josephschmitt) September 9, 2015

The Adobe guy making the picture of the woman smile more is creepy on many, many levels.

— mitch goldstein (@mgoldst) September 9, 2015

OH JESUS. Yes, women, WHY DON'T YOU SMILE MORE? Good job, Adobe. #AppleEvent

— Mike McGee (@michaelmcgee) September 9, 2015

Sorry, did this Adobe dude say he wants to make a woman smile but "luckily there's an app for that"

— Tony Wagner (@tonydwagner) September 9, 2015

Mona Lisa, Apple and Adobe coming for your smile. It's not quite right. #AppleEvent

— Guardian Tech (@guardiantech) September 9, 2015

Adobe’s vice president of products and community responded on Twitter to say that his team didn’t mean to offend anyone, but agreed that he didn’t like the “make someone smile” context.