Tornado destroys man’s house, but spares his new PlayStation 4

Tornado destroys man’s house, but spares his new PlayStation 4. (Image via Reddit)

A photo posted to Reddit this week shows a man standing amid the rubble of a house after tornadoes strangled parts of the Midwest U.S., stuffed animals strewn on the ground behind him and a sink dangling from a wall where insulation is exposed. But this man looks very pleased — he's holding a new PlayStation 4.

"He lost his house in the tornado yesterday but there's some light at the end of the tunnel ... the PS4 survived!" wrote the Reddit user who posted the image, saying he had found it on his Facebook feed.

An estimated total of 81 tornadoes hit the states of Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Indiana and Ohio on Sunday, blasting through houses and killing at least two people.

[ Related: Illinois man finds his dog in rubble of tornado ]

Given the destruction, it's surprising to see an image of someone smiling earnestly, gloves on his hands, as he seems to be working on the cleanup effort.

The Reddit user who posted the image, which appears to have been taken in Washington, Illinois, followed up with a comment urging people to donate to the Red Cross, give blood and help bring wandering pets to shelters.

Hopefully someone will also find this man a television and an outlet so he can enjoy his salvaged PS4.