Found: Wedding photos lost in New Zealand earthquake 18 months ago

When a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch, New Zealand, in February 2011, newlyweds Martin Burley and Fen Jerimiah fled their home, leaving behind everything, including the camera holding their recent wedding photos.

The couple assumed the pictures were lost forever.

"But the disaster gave them a miracle" when Burley recently found the camera covered in mud and silt resurfacing on their beat-up driveway, the Metro reported.

After carefully cleaning the camera with a toothbrush, Burley discovered that the memory card still worked.

The wedding photos were back.

"It was one of those 'wow' moments," Burley said.

"Like, I didn't really think it would still work. But I'm glad that he's more like, 'Yeah, let's try this,'" Jerimiah added.

The photos of the couple's wedding day have since been safely transferred to a computer, ITV reports.