Wedding vending machine draws mass attention worldwide

Wedding ceremonies for a dollar? Too bad they're not real.

A novelty wedding ceremony vending machine made by Cornish company Concept Shed is attracting worldwide attention.

People from as far away as Russia and Brazil are clamouring to purchase their own 2.4 metre tall "AutoWed" machine, which dispenses wedding ceremonies at the touch of a button.

For a dollar, AutoWed plays a version of the Wedding March and allows customers to select their type of union. If users get cold feet during the process the machine also offers a last-minute out with the choice between "I do" and "escape."

AutoWed dispenses an "unofficial" marriage certificate and two plastic rings at the end of the faux-ceremony.

Called "part parking meter, part Cadillac, part cathedral" by its makers, the machine started out as a joke, until Marvin's Marvellous Mechanical Museum in Detroit commissioned Concept Shed to "make it a reality."

"About a year and a half ago we were playing around with an idea about the bastardization of a traditional wedding by crossing it with a parking meter. We stuck it into the sketchbook and it just sat there as an idea," AutoWed inventor Sam Lanyon told

"It's just a fun vending machine. We come up with crazy ideas and it's great to be able to have the opportunity to make them."