'A breath of fresh air': How a 4-day workweek is helping us and our employees

The first employee departed in late summer of 2020 and four more had left by mid-2022. The Foreign Policy Research Institute, a nonpartisan think tank in Philadelphia with a dozen full-time staffers, was losing some of our best employees. The departing employees liked working at FPRI and were committed to its mission, but they were being offered significantly higher salaries elsewhere, including from think tanks based in Washington, D.C.

They were also able to work remotely at their new jobs and continued to reside in Philadelphia with its much lower cost of living.

Historically, we had benefitted from its proximity to local universities, and the lower cost of living in Philadelphia had always been a competitive advantage in attracting recent graduates. FPRI has been ranked as the top think tank in the United States with an annual budget of less than $5 million, and it's an ideal employer for recent local graduates in the international affairs field.

However, another issue soon emerged: When the institute sought to replace its departing employees, many qualified applicants withdrew when they learned about FPRI’s relatively low salaries. FPRI was not only losing employees, it was having trouble replacing them.

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As the institute's administrative manager and president, we knew that we needed to address our staffing shortages sooner rather than later.

How to help keep employees from leaving and attract new talent

In consultation with the staff, the Foreign Policy Research Institute took several bold moves to stem the departures and attract new talent:

First, we formalized our work-from-home policy adopted during the pandemic. Employees who could perform their duties remotely were permitted to do so. There were a handful of jobs that required presence in the office, but most of the employees could work from home.

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Last May, FPRI also added a four-day workweek option. Employees were given the option to work four days a week instead of five, as long as they worked the required 35 hours per week.

We also adopted an unscheduled leave policy and stopped tracking vacation, sick days or personal time off. Employees could take leave whenever they wished as long as they let management know in advance and ensured that their duties were either completed or covered by other employees during their absence.

Is the 4-day workweek a good idea?

Since the implementation of the policy, FPRI employees have reported feeling a strong sense of accountability and autonomy, and an appreciation of the trust that senior management has placed in them.

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"It's the 'being treated like a responsible adult' feeling it comes with, and that is refreshing and instills a sense of gratitude in me,” says Maia Otarashvili, director of the Eurasia Program.

But, she adds, “the four-day workweek holds more value as a gesture from the organization, while it has less utility, because most of us do end up doing some work on Fridays."

Director of Communications Natalia Kopytnik describes the new policies as “a breath of fresh air. I can’t imagine returning to full-time in-person work, especially since the nature of my work is mostly done independently.” She does miss certain aspects of office culture, but “the workflow is so much better with the flexible option.”

Tara Spencer is the membership and administration manager at Foreign Policy Research Institute.
Tara Spencer is the membership and administration manager at Foreign Policy Research Institute.

As for one of us, administrative manager Tara Spencer, the three flexible components of our work culture allow me to attend to my family’s needs and personal aspirations. I feel fortunate to work for an organization that offers these options and work culture.

Even before the pandemic, 30% of respondents in a FlexJobs’ 2019 annual survey reported leaving a job because it did not offer flexible options, and 80% said they'd be more loyal to flexible employers.

In a tight job market, it is advantageous to showcase these benefits during the recruitment process. It gives FPRI an edge over organizations that have not adopted such flexible policies, and can also attract a more diverse talent pool.

4-day workweek trial: Employers tried a 4-day workweek program. Employees said they were healthier and happier.

Aiming for a healthy work-life balance

The majority of our team members work remotely outside of the Philadelphia area, including internationally. Employees communicate virtually by telephone, web meetings and through cloud-based platforms for brainstorming and project management.

To help boost camaraderie and a positive culture, we also began holding two-day in-office retreats for all employees twice each year.

Carol “Rollie” Flynn is the president of the Foreign Policy Research Institute.
Carol “Rollie” Flynn is the president of the Foreign Policy Research Institute.

Spencer Jones, executive assistant to the president, prefers coming into the office: “Having the choice is rare, and it allows us to work in our most comfortable environment.”

Jones appreciates the unscheduled leave option but personally needs more structure in scheduling his leave. "The biggest highlight is having the flexibility, allowing people to function in their best setting for work," he says. "We are in the ideal situation, but it helps that we are a smaller organization. Our setup may not work elsewhere."

Some FPRI employees do report one downside: They find that they are working more rather than less.

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As Assistant Director of Communications Leah Pedro puts it, “I notice that I don't often take as much time off as I would be entitled to if we still had a set number of days system in place.” She adds, “The challenge with remote work is separating work from home after the workday ends. It can be difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance.”

The jury is still out on whether these new policies will improve employee retention over the long term, but for now they are working.

Tara Spencer is the membership and administration manager at Foreign Policy Research Institute, of which Carol “Rollie” Flynn is the president.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Four-day workweek, remote work give employers edge in tight job market