Buy Miami ticket for Texas A&M, get one free for Georgia Tech. Canes want fans to show

Last September, the “screams from 107,245 humans created a roar that turned Kyle Field into a deafening thunder box,’’ per the Miami Herald’s coverage of the University of Miami’s trip to College Station, Texas, for a football game that drew the Aggies’ third largest all-time crowd.

The Hurricanes want some fans of their own — enough to have initiated a two-for-one deal when the No. 23 Aggies come to Hard Rock Stadium at 3:30 p.m. Saturday (ABC).

Per UM, if you buy a ticket to the Texas A&M game, you get one free for the Oct. 7 Georgia Tech game — UM’s Atlantic Coast Conference opener.

The Aggies are the first SEC team to visit Hard Rock for a UM game since the No. 12 Florida Gators came on Sept. 7, 2013. The Canes won that game 21-16.

Tickets for Saturday are $125 for upper-level seats, $205 for lower end zone and $310 for club corner seats.

UM’s opening game last Friday against Miami of Ohio drew an announced crowd of 49,024, which pleased quarterback Tyler Van Dyke, who said on Wednesday that attendance will be key for Saturday. UM expects attendance to exceed 50,000.

“Last game was a really good turnout with all the fans,’’ Van Dyke said. “They did a great job. Especially when our defense is on the field. It’s extremely tough to play offense when you’re an away team with the crowd cheering. Communication wise, just those little things. The loud noise affects false starts, cadence, that’s absolutely huge.

“We definitely need a packed house here for that. Should be a really exciting game. Just excited to see what Hard Rock is going to bring Saturday.”