Cabinet Ministers Declare Support For Boris Johnson To Return As Prime Minister

Wallace, Johnson, Rees-Mogg (Photo: Getty)
Wallace, Johnson, Rees-Mogg (Photo: Getty)

Wallace, Johnson, Rees-Mogg (Photo: Getty)

Cabinet big beasts have started publicly declaring their support for Boris Johnson in the race to replace Liz Truss.

In an extraordinary turn of events, Tory MPs have started calling for Johnson to return to Downing Street following Truss’ dramatic resignation.

It is just six weeks since Johnson left No.10 after he was forced out by his own MPs following a string of scandals.

Those backing him now include a number secretaries of state who previously served under Johnson.

The former prime minister has not declared he intends to run and has been on holiday in the Caribbean this week with his family.

Business secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg became the first Cabinet backer to publicly declare for Johnson.

The staunch loyalist of the former PM, tweeted a graphic that said “I’m Backing Boris” alongside the hashtag “#BORISorBUST”.

Defence secretary Ben Wallace also indicated his support, saying he was “leaning towards” Johnson as his choice to replace Truss. Wallace - who is also popular among MPs - ruled himself out of the latest contest.

Meanwhile, Simon Clarke became the second Cabinet minister to declare he was backing Johnson.

Together with Tees Valley mayor Ben Houchen, the levelling up secretary told the Telegraph: “Boris is the person we need to lead our country and our party.”

Sharing the article on Twitter, he added: “Teesside has had difficult times and is now levelling up because of Boris Johnson.

“Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen and I know that for us, like Boris, the comeback will be greater than the setback.”

On Friday morning Johnson’s dad, Stanley, said he was “on a plane” back from his holiday.

Asked if his son wanted to make a comeback, Stanley told Good Morning Britain: “Look I think he’s on a plane as I understand it. Coming back? He is coming back - from wherever he is.”

Asked if his son was returning from his holiday early, Stanley replied: “I can’t tell you. I can’t tell you, honestly.”

If he does run, Johnson is likely to find himself up against former chancellor Rishi Sunak and the leader of the House Penny Mordaunt.

However, such a move would be highly divisive within the Tory Party amid threats from some MPs that they would resign the whip and sit as independents.

Johnson’s backers say he is the only candidate who won a general election and has a mandate from the British public.

He will need to secure the nominations of 100 of the party’s 357 MPs.

Loyalist Nadine Dorries, the former culture secretary, said she had spoken to him following Truss’s resignation and hinted that he was preparing to run.

“He is a known winner and that is certainly who I’m putting my name against because I want us to win the general election. Having a winner in place is what the party needs to survive,” she told Sky News.

Another Tory MP said Johnson could prevent the party from being “completely wiped out” at the next general election.

For critics, a comeback would be particularly problematic as Johnson still faces an investigation by the Commons Privileges Committee over claims he lied to parliament over lockdown parties in Downing Street, which could potentially see him expelled as an MP.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost UK and has been updated.
