Who cares about the Royals? Kansas City is celebrating the Monarchs’ championship win | Opinion

That’s baseball

Congrats to the Kansas City Monarchs on bringing home another championship. (Sept. 22, 1B, “Monarchs beat Chicago for 3rd championship in past 5 years”) What a fun ride it was and just awesome to be a part of. The location, venue, parking and entertainment dollar can’t be beat.

We have neither been to nor seen a Royals game on TV in two years, and frankly we don’t miss it. Good luck, Royals, on finding a new home and a winning way.

- Greg Schoen, Lenexa

Military second

I recently sent Sen. Roger Marshall a message that criticizes Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s stonewalling on military appointments. (Sept. 22, 2A, “After long delay, Senate confirms Joint Chiefs chair”)

Here’s Marshall’s response: “Senator Tuberville is exercising the rights given to him as a member of the U.S. Senate, and I look forward to considering any military nominations and promotions that (Senate Majority Leader Chuck) Schumer decides to bring to the Senate floor for a vote.”

Apparently, Marshall has no interest in protecting our country’s military. This is shameful.

- Dan Kass, Mission

Bigger picture

As a high school student, I consider it my duty to educate others on the importance of what we are taught in schools. Current U.S. history curriculum singularly focuses on the American viewpoint, and it affects the perspective and knowledge of students regarding world crises and events.

Too often, because of nationalism, we focus solely on our country’s self-interests in school. When learning about the first atomic bomb, we hear the story from our perspective, such as creating the bomb and the American victory in World War II after dropping the first ones deployed in war. We aren’t taught how the Japanese people reacted and the deaths of as many as 220,000. Whether we should have dropped atomic bombs is a different story, but we can be taught to learn from our actions and analyze the events to affect future decisions.

This is an important analytical life skill that should be taught in school. When we teach history through various lenses, we see what should and shouldn’t be repeated. It’s important to learn how other countries are affected by America’s actions and how we can change our learning to understand them.

- Madi Herrington, Lee’s Summit

A great advocate

What a gem we have right here in the Kansas City area — or should I say two gems? Not only are we blessed to have the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum in our midst, but also its president, Bob Kendrick. Our church group went to the museum recently and were lucky enough to be followed inside by Mr. Kendrick. He spent the next 30 minutes out of his busy schedule telling us about the history of the museum, and he was so gracious.

I encourage anyone who hasn’t been to the museum to take the time to spend a whole morning or afternoon there to slowly go through and learn the history of the leagues. The videos, photographs and extensive biographies of the players are very interesting and well worth the time spent.

Many thanks and kudos to Bob Kendrick for being such a fantastic ambassador for our Negro Leagues Baseball Museum.

- Marianne Weber, Roeland Park

Children’s changes

When parents send their children off to their first day of kindergarten, they dream of what they’ll become and what they might accomplish. What parents fail to realize is they may end the school year with an unfamiliar child.

This occurs because one poorly raised child can affect the learning and behavior of a classroom of students. In these formative years, the peers students are surrounded by shapes who they become.

The biggest influence on children is their peers. Kids are known for mimicking behaviors. They see their friends behave in a certain manner and do the same. But what if a friend has been raised by inattentive parents who lack disciplining skills? By association, other children could act like that friend, and the results may be negative. As a child care worker, I see this happen all too often.

It’s crucial that parents look for signs of changing behaviors and know how to manage them before they get out of hand. Talking to your children about expectations and what’s acceptable is vital. Kids become those they look up to. As a parent, it’s your job to make sure it’s someone you’d be proud to raise.

- Addison Cox, Lee’s Summit

Quit pretending

It has been almost three years since the election for president. The votes have long ago been counted . Multiple investigations have been completed. Joe Biden won the election. This a fact.

The bedrock of our democracy is based on such certainties. There is no “deep state” that surreptitiously gave the election to Biden. We no longer have the luxury of pretending that “it could have happened.” We have stretched credibility’s elasticity to its breaking point.

If you allow children to indulge in fantasy without also making sure they are aware of the actual facts of the matter, you loosen their tenuous grip on reality and harm will come of it.

Today’s world is a terrible, joyous wonder. Life goes on in the midst of tragedy. The glass is half full but seldom rises above that. Governments and civilizations rise and fall at the whim of fate. They must stay a few steps ahead with the understanding that the cliff’s edge may await. History will sort the past. We must seize the day.

- Michael Brennan, Merriam