Charlotte must do more to eradicate crime — and not just in certain neighborhoods | Opinion

Charlotte crime

The writer is president of the Hidden Valley Community Association.

Crime, like a wildfire, will spread if not controlled. We have dealt with crime along West Sugar Creek Road and Reagan Drive in northeast Charlotte for years. We’ve also dealt with it in and around the Tom Hunter light-rail station on North Tryon Street, approximately 6 miles from uptown Charlotte.

City Council needs to help police clean up the crime in these areas. It is a shame for people to come from all over the country to move to Charlotte — a top-ten most sought after destination in the nation for young professionals — just to get shot or, God forbid, killed.

Charlotte must do better to eradicate crime, wherever it pops up, not just in south Charlotte.

Marjorie M. Parker, Charlotte


I’m a 67-year-old Charlotte native and sports fan. Charlotte has always been a fickle sports town, quick to jump on the bandwagon when a team wins, quick to criticize when they lose.

But we have never been a classless sports town. At least not until Carolina Panthers owner David Tepper threw a cup in the direction of an opposing fan.

That kind of behavior is inexcusable. Tepper embarrassed himself, his family, the Panthers and my hometown, the Queen City.

Kris Newton, Charlotte

David Tepper

Oh, for heaven’s sake, can we stop nattering on and on about David Tepper’s behavior? He apologized, kinda, sorta, for throwing his drink out of the suite window toward a crowd of Jacksonville fans. And, certainly Frank Reich will have a big box of money, not as big as Tepper’s, but certainly more than most of us have.

It’s been suggested that the Panthers be sold. How about selling to Charlotte? Doesn’t Green Bay own its NFL team? I’ve got $20 I’ll kick in on that.

Melva Hanna, Charlotte

GOP successes?

Regarding “Why 2023 was a great year for Republicans,” (Dec. 31 Opinion):

One has to wonder what alternate universe op-ed writer Grover Norquist inhabits. Republicans were supposed to overwhelm the U.S. House and possibly take the Senate. Neither happened. Instead the House has been held hostage by 20 rogue ultra-right members who have zero interest in governing. Republicans lost ground all over the country. Spending is still out of control and the GOP, contrary to its mantra on personal liberty, continues to try to control women’s bodies and parents’ decisions on their children’s healthcare.

We’ll see how great a year it has been for Republicans on Nov. 5, 2024.

Jack Hankins, Charlotte

Pope Francis

With great skepticism have I read all of the kerfuffle about Pope Francis allowing a simple blessing on our gay brothers and sisters. The church blesses animals on the feast of St. Francis. They bless cars, new homes, motorcycles, church seminary buildings, cemetery grounds and more. When it comes to those created in God’s image it is a challenge? Makes one wonder.

Jane Francisco, Charlotte

Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley says “Government doesn’t need to tell you how to live your life.” So governments shouldn’t be telling you what books to read, what medical decisions you should make for your children, and how you manage your own healthcare decisions. I wonder how she reconciles that with her political party?

Rosalie Spaniel, Charlotte

Donald Trump

Like ripples from a pebble in a pond, damage to our democracy continues to pop up due to Donald Trump’s nefarious actions, such as the debate over removing Trump from ballots in North Carolina for his shepherding of an insurrection.

We wouldn’t be having this debate but for Trump’s treasonous actions. The root of the problem is not Trump. The real problem is the voters and politicians who support this wannabe dictator despite his open contempt of our democratic processes. I trust these folks appreciate that an authoritative ruler threatens them more than a Democratic president. The latter can easily be voted out of office in a functioning democracy, the former does not respond to any voters, including those who voted for him.

Kenneth Raynor, Charlotte