Columbia University has condemned the interruption by pro-Palestinian protesters of an Israeli history class on January 21.“No group of students has a right to disrupt another group of students in a Columbia classroom,” a statement from Interim President Katrina Armstrong said.Footage captured by student Elisha Baker shows the protesters in headscarves entering the classroom.The protesters interrupted a History of Modern Israel class taught by Avi Shilon, the Times of Israel said.Baker told the Times of Israel: “That is the culture at Columbia University. It is nearly impossible to have a conversation about Zionism unless it is about criticizing Zionism.”Shilon told the newspaper: “I didn’t know how to react because if you would be aggressive they can claim that you pushed them or something, and if you’re going to be more calm they can continue, so I suggested to them to join the class and to learn about the conflict.”“We strongly condemn this disruption, as well as the fliers that included violent imagery that is unacceptable on our campus and in our community,” Armstrong’s statement said. Credit: Elisha Baker via Storyful