Convicts in Ukrainian Armed Forces capture Russian Soldier

Ukrainian soldiers
Ukrainian soldiers

Some of the first convicts to join the Ukrainian Armed Forces have already made their mark by capturing a Russian soldier, Deputy Minister of Justice Olena Vysotska said in an interview with Ukrainian outlet Hromadske on May 29.

Over 600 prisoners have enlisted so far, and the number keeps growing, Vysotska noted. As of May 29, more than 4,000 convicts have expressed a desire to join the Armed Forces.

“The prisoners who are going to serve now are doing so in a completely controlled manner after being checked, in accordance with the law," Vysotska said. "They will prepare and perform important work for our country. There is a lot of work at the front, not necessarily with weapons. But even if with weapons, I already have a successful case: I received information that some of the first convicts captured a Russian."

Minister of Justice Denys Malyuska said on May 27 that prisoners joining the Armed Forces of Ukraine would first be assigned to assault units.

Mobilization of prisoners in Ukraine

Read also: Ukraine grants parole to 350 prisoners for war effort against Russia

On May 8, the Verkhovna Rada passed draft law No. 11079-1 in its second reading, allowing certain categories of prisoners to mobilize into the Armed Forces. This can only happen voluntarily and after a court decision. Those convicted of intentional murder, rape, sexual violence, crimes against national security, and similar offenses are excluded from mobilization.

The Servant of the People party clarified that convicted corrupt officials and individuals who held particularly responsible positions, such as deputies and ministers, will not be allowed to join the Armed Forces.

Read also: Justice Minister announces new prison conscription standards, allowing for drafting of up to 20,000 convicts

Eligible prisoners must have no more than three years remaining on their sentences.

David Arahamia, the chairman of the ruling Servant of the People political party, estimated that 15,000 to 20,000 prisoners in Ukraine could be mobilized, though only a few thousand are expected to sign the contract.

On May 17, the Ministry of Justice announced that nearly 5,000 convicts had agreed to parole by signing contracts for military service.

Read also: New law permits prisoners to join Ukraine's Armed Forces

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