Don’t tax the rich more. Thank them for what they do to keep us employed | Opinion

It might as well be money magic

President Joe Biden is my new superhero. He somehow eliminated $4.9 billion of student loan debt. I encourage him to take that one step further and cement his place in history by magically erasing our $34 trillion of national debt.

- William R. Kenny, Cresson

Be nicer to wealthy job producers

The millionaires and billionaires at the World Economic Forum who called for higher taxes on the wealthy need to study economics. They presume that the world would be a better place if their government has their money, but this isn’t the case. These individuals are not hoarding cash under mattresses — they use their wealth to employ thousands of people, directly or indirectly.

It takes hundreds of thousands of workers to run the companies they invest in. If their money goes to government, the bulk of it would be used to pay for unproductive services. Government services are necessary, but too much is a drag on economies. Don’t begrudge the wealthy; they keep people employed.

- Dan Fauber, Granbury

Blame GOP, not Biden, on border

Nicole Russell’s column on the battle over the border (Jan. 25, 10A, “Supreme Court just made Texas’ border problem worse”) failed to mention that the Biden administration requested funding for screening centers in southern countries so people could remain at home while their paperwork is processed.

The administration also sought money to hire more immigration judges to handle the case backlog and to hire 25,000 more agents to help police the border.

The Texas border situation is Republican-orchestrated chaos. All it would take to fix is for federal, state and local representatives to set aside their personal agendas and work toward the greater good.

- Joe Grizzard, Boyd

Lost wallet, restored faith

My confidence in people has been restored. My wallet fell out of the car while I was at the ATM. After calling all my credit card companies, I prayed that someone honest found my wallet and would return it. I didn’t care about the $25 in cash.

Hours later, my stepdaughter called to say the wallet had been returned to her. An honest Christian found the wallet and drove at least 30 miles from Arlington to her house, my previous address in Keller. My only regret is that I wasn’t there to thank them and give them the $25 they had not touched.

- Larry Fuller, Keller

On Trump, border, recall Nixon

When former President Donald Trump asks congressional Republicans to blow up any bipartisan deal on border security until after November, those who remember the Vietnam War should shudder. In 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson and the North Vietnamese were ready to begin peace negotiations until candidate Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger secretly persuaded North Vietnamese negotiators to delay until after the election, when they might get a better deal.

It took another seven years, the deaths of more than 21,000 additional U.S. service members, expanding the war into Cambodia and Laos, and a humiliating evacuation of Americans from the roof of the U.S. Embassy to finally end the war.

Beware the candidate who tells us to let a problem simmer until we give him a second chance.

- Nancy Stevens, Fort Worth

Let woman, doctor decide on abortion

On Cynthia M. Allen’s column (Jan. 31, 15A, “Bidens err with Kate Cox invite to state of union”) about Kate Cox’s health and abortion, I say let the medical professionals give Cox their best judgment. Then, allow Cox to decide. Why should Allen or any of us make it our mission to compare what other families may decide?

- Art McMahill, Arlington