Ron DeSantis' donors know he's struggling. They still want him to be president in 2024.

As he made public appearances in the past month and a half to increase his national profile before officially declaring a presidential run, Florida Gov. DeSantis came under fire for everything from calling the Ukraine war a territorial dispute to his battle with tourism magnate Disney.

But even as he slips in the polls against former President Donald Trump, who has given him monikers like "DeSanctimonious," the most recent numbers show DeSantis is sitting on more campaign cash for a potential presidential campaign than Trump, a signal that he can't be counted out just yet.

USA TODAY spoke with a dozen donors who gave $3,000 to $110,000 to DeSantis’s two fundraising accounts in Florida during his 2022 campaign for governor. Though many said he has faced setbacks and that beating Trump would be difficult, they also said they were likely to donate to a DeSantis presidential campaign. Only one said he did not want DeSantis to be president and ruled out donating.

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That’s important, because turbulence in a presidential campaign can cause donors to jump ship − a situation that leads a candidate to run out of money to continue their campaign and drop out of the race. But there’s little evidence that donors are leaving him en masse.

Mike LaPorta, a 76-year-old retired management consultant from Vero Beach who gave $3,000 to DeSantis for governor, said he'd like to see DeSantis run for president “if he’s got a path to beat Trump.” But he cautioned, “I think it’s going to be rough.”

“Anybody that I met or know that contributed to DeSantis’ campaign, they’re happy with him as a donor,” LaPorta said. “They’d love to see him be president. We’re all the local guys. These big, national donors, they’re a different breed.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in Israel on April 27.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in Israel on April 27.

It’s too early to count DeSantis out in 2024, several donors say

Donors who remain loyal to the Florida governor say it’s too soon to write off his candidacy. They say he hasn’t yet entered the race, and the election isn’t for another 18 months.

“When you start to look at a month compared to what happens in a very lengthy presidential campaign, I’d think it’s way too early to call those kinds of things,” said Bob Lloyd, a lawyer and insurance agent in Port Orange who gave $3,000 to DeSantis' main campaign account.

Other donors agreed.

  • “It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon,” said Bart Smith, a lawyer from Key West who gave about $16,000 in cash and in-kind donations in 2022 and $10,000 in 2019.

  • “It’s a long time to Election Day,” said Locke Burt, a former state senator from Ormond Beach who donated $10,000 to Friends of Ron DeSantis in May 2021.

  • “It’s like a marathon, and it is grueling like a marathon,” said Bob Lloyd, an attorney who gave $3,000 to DeSantis. "Your mile 5 might be not so good, but you pick it up in mile 10 or mile 13 or even mile 26.”

  • “I wouldn’t focus on the numbers day to day or week to week,” said Daniel Aghion, a neurosurgeon from Boca Raton who gave $3,000 to DeSantis. “I think that right now what the governor’s done that is excellent is he’s been attacking the left, whereas Trump seems to be focusing on the primaries attacking DeSantis and other people from the right.”

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Smith, whose family owns restaurants where they have held fundraisers for DeSantis, also pointed to DeSantis’ record keeping businesses open during the height of the coronavirus pandemic. “The idea of feeling helpless and having no control about your future is a horrible feeling and one I never want to feel again,” Smith said, adding that keeping Florida open "to me was very important."

Murray Wise, a 74-year-old business owner from Naples who gave $3,000 to DeSantis' main campaign account in October, said recent criticism of DeSantis “isn’t justified at all.” He said the governor is “one of the few people in the nation within the Republican Party who are getting things done and accomplished.”

Tony Imbesi, co-founder of a yacht brokerage firm in Bal Harbor who gave $100,000 to DeSantis last year, said: “The more serious he looks as a candidate, the more attention he’s going to get, and that comes with positives and negatives. Because obviously some people don’t want him and are taking him more seriously now.”

John Adhia, a 59-year-old from Tampa who works in financial services, said he would donate to DeSantis’ campaign if he declared his candidacy. He gave $3,000 to DeSantis' main campaign account in January 2022.

“I think he is straightforward, clear-thinking, and a person who executes rather than just talk about it,” Adhia said. He said Trump “has his own issues” and that he brings too much baggage to the presidential race.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis seen April 21 in Maryland.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis seen April 21 in Maryland.

DeSantis donors acknowledge 2024 struggles but haven't written him off

Donors were upfront about the challenges DeSantis faces and expressed concern about whether he can win. But they haven’t ruled him out as a candidate.

John Lemp, a 42-year-old marketing executive from Sarasota, Florida, gave $9,000 to DeSantis' main campaign account during the 2022 campaign. His wife gave another $3,000.

“I’m not sure,” Lemp said on whether he’d donate to a DeSantis presidential campaign. “Probably,” he said, adding, “I don’t know how likely that is at this point, just to be clear, just because of what’s happening.”

He said he does not blame Trump for DeSantis’ poor showing in the past several weeks. Instead, he lays the blame at the feet of the mainstream media.

“The momentum is gone,” he said of the DeSantis campaign.

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Trump leads DeSantis in national polls of Republican primary voters by 28 percentage points on average, according to RealClearPolitics. Trump also leads by 25 percentage points on average in New Hampshire, a key early primary state.

Burt, the former state senator, acknowledged that Trump's attacks on DeSantis are part of what's hurting him in the polls. The attacks are similar to how Trump attacked former Gov. Jeb Bush during the 2016 race. Bush later dropped out of the race, effectively ending his political career.

"I’m not sure how I would approach that honestly, because Trump is a master at destroying his opponents," Burt said. "I was a very big fan of Jeb Bush. I worked with him when I was in the Senate. He’s a very smart man, a fine human being, and I thought that he would have made a great president. But Trump destroyed him, OK?"

DeSantis "has a lot of smart people advising him, but I have no idea how you run against somebody like Trump, who's the former president and has the hard-core support of 40% of the Republican Party,” Burt said. He said those supporters in the Republican Party are "going to follow him no matter what, and I don’t know how you change that.”

Lloyd, the attorney and insurance agent, remembers 2016 all too well. “I remember supporting former governor Jeb Bush, and he quickly exited when he was the front-runner with a bullet, so it just shows things can change very quickly."

LaPorta said that for DeSantis to get someone to bankroll his campaign, he has to prove he can beat Trump. He doesn’t know if DeSantis can beat Trump. He called the former president’s polling numbers “incredible.”

"I think he can be president, whether it’s this time or next," LaPorta said. "So however way it goes − whether he runs, Trump beats him, Trump runs and wins, Trump runs and loses, who knows − but there’s going to be space for DeSantis in six years if not two.”

Former President Donald Trump seen on a golf course in Scotland May 2.
Former President Donald Trump seen on a golf course in Scotland May 2.

Some donors are wary of DeSantis' chances in 2024

Despite his widespread support from donors who spoke to USA TODAY, one said he was considering another candidate for a potential donation, and another said Trump is the man for the job.

“I’m not going to give money until I see that he has a chance to win,” said Don Powell, a retiree from Jacksonville who gave $3,000 to DeSantis' main campaign account. He said there’s one other candidate he might be interested in, but declined to name that other candidate.

Anthony Lomangino, a waste management executive in Palm Beach who gave $110,000 to Friends of Ron DeSantis in 2022, was the only donor who spoke to USA TODAY to say he would not donate to the governor if he ran for president.

“The people love him,” Lomangino said of Trump. “Gov. DeSantis is already showing a little bit of learning the ropes. Winning a state election is a whole different animal than dealing with the U.S. Congress and the swamp and all that other stuff.”

Lomangino said that while some have questioned whether Trump can be elected while facing problems − the former president is under indictment in New York and facing down criminal investigations in Georgia and from the Justice Department − he doesn’t buy into the idea that DeSantis is more electable. He said DeSantis is the one with the electability problem.

“I think he’s gone a little bit too far right,” he said. “I wouldn’t donate for him for president. I’d donate for Trump.”

President Joe Biden seen April 29.
President Joe Biden seen April 29.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Ron DeSantis donors not backing away from him after recent struggles.