Empowering Women: Successful Real Estate Entrepreneur Lorraine Jordan On Women’s Changing Roles In The Economy

A leading real estate entrepreneur, coach, and public figure, Lorraine Jordan has set a precedent of success over the last 30 years. Lorraine is a head realtor at Team Jordan, her real estate team making a huge difference in the industry, and is listed as the top Keller Williams team across all of Canada. She also received the 2018 Angel Award for her Market Centre as the agent who is most involved with helping people in her community.

In a recent interview, the award-winning realtor spoke about the involvement of women in the economic landscape. Today, the women’s empowerment drive has gained traction with positive outcomes. Now, more women are staking their claim in various fields of endeavor and are doing well for themselves.

In real estate, for instance, women represent over 60% of the industry. This is a significant number considering the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) approximates that there are over 140,000 licensed brokers, realtors, and sales agents working in the country.

The award-winning entrepreneur and coach underscores the need for financial literacy for women to be top-notch. As the No. 1 Keller Williams team for multiple years across Canada, Lorraine is the author of a widely acclaimed book on real estate success and entrepreneurship, “Truly winning in real estate.”

Her book is about secrets and strategies that helped her win in a highly saturated and competitive industry, tips, shortcuts, and models to help you make real estate into an amazing career.

The humble mother of four believes in giving others a helping hand so they can find their path in the journey of entrepreneurship. She frequently meets with people and holds networking events, where she also shares her tips and strategies. She’s putting together a women’s finance retreat soon just outside Toronto, which will be dedicated to teaching women how to save, build an investment portfolio, or get around to fulfilling their big wild dreams.

Lorraine’s drive in this direction is hinged on her belief that taking action can lead to great achievements in life. So rather than sit and talk about what has to be done, you have to get up and make that move toward where you want to go and what you want to achieve.

In teaching people how to succeed in business, she wants to empower them mentally and give them the mindset they need to become high achievers. As she puts it, “when we know better, we do better” so she deliberately positions herself as a model of inspiration and a beacon of hope to young women and entrepreneurs.

That is the general idea of the one-on-one coaching for people where she teaches them how to plan and strategize to buy real estate but also to live their best life and achieve their financial goals. She strongly advocates for women’s finances, saying that women are usually not taught to dream big traditionally but that needs to change.

According to Lorraine, success doesn’t come cheap; not without some determination and persistence, and that is something that women should have at the back of their mind when starting on this journey. But to simplify the learning process, the best bet would be for young women to look for somebody that they can learn from. “I think that they should shadow somebody, spend some time with them, and get a feel for what it’s really like,” she says.

In addition, Lorraine points out that investing in real estate is long-term, so people interested in entering the industry must focus on that from the beginning. It’s not a cut-and-run industry, at least for people who are serious about achieving anything worthwhile in the industry.

As she explains, if you’re getting into real estate with no long-term goals in mind and it’s something you simply want to treat like a second job, it’s highly unlikely to work because you won’t have the focus and commitment to give it your best.

“A real estate agent is a professional,” Lorraine says. “They’re dealing with people’s largest assets. It’s not something we take lightly. You’re responsible for that. You need to show up and be the best version of yourself. Always seek new education. I’ve been in it since I was 18, and I still am constantly learning how to be better and how to earn the opportunity or the privilege to work with my clients.”

In the near future, Lorraine is looking to expand her coaching company to coach people on one-on-one real estate investing, with the aim of reaching more people and impacting more lives positively. For her, the opportunity to teach people how to become successful, mainly in the real estate sector is a passion that has to be fulfilled. Already, as she says, the new company is gaining traction and impacting people’s lives significantly.

The ultimate goal in her mind, she says, is to help foster a breed of people who are driven, go-getters, and highly successful as well. “I would like to see the people that joined, in the beginning, become leaders, leading others who will join the group. People are committing to show up for themselves and their goals, and we’ve built a community where they can show up daily,” she concludes.

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