New figures show Tacoma as one of Washington’s most populous cities. Where do we rank?

The Washington Office of Financial Management released its annual city and town population estimates in April, and Tacoma remains one of the largest cities in the state.

The department uses the estimates to determine how the state’s budget is allocated based on each city’s population. As of April 1, Tacoma’s population is estimated to be 225,100, up from 222,400 in 2023.

Tacoma’s population

Between 2023 and 2024, the City of Tacoma grew by 2,700, retaining its spot as the third most populated city in the state for the fourth year in a row. Between 2020 and 2024, the city grew by 5,754 people to 225,100.

The city has seen an average of 0.65% change in population over the past four years, with a significant change in population growth rate between 2023 and 2024 that grew from 0.73% to 1.21%.

Pierce County population

Pierce County grew by 6,300 people, to 952,600, within the past year. maintaining its spot as the second most populated county in the state. Although the county saw an increase in population, the percentage change between 2023 and 2024 was lower than the year prior. King County takes the No. 1 spot as the most populated county in the state with a population size of 2,378,100.

Migration, birth rate, and other components of Pierce County’s growth

Pierce County saw more births than deaths for yet another year. Between 2023 and 2024, there were 10,273 births in the county, 710 births less than the year prior. The county has sees more births than deaths every year since 1960.

The county’s birth rate and the number of people moving to the area have helped sustain and grow Pierce County’s population. The county’s net migration — its population change from people moving in or away — was 4,008, which is higher than most other counties in the state.