Former Rankin Inlet resident recognized twice for saving lives

Longtime Rankin Inlet resident Tim Hinds was recently recognized with a certificate of recognition in Linwood, N.S., on June 29, 2024, for helping to save a mother’s life during the summer of 2023.

Hinds had previously received a St. John Ambulance Life Saving Award for an incident on Nov. 11, 2018, when he performed CPR on a veteran who collapsed during the Remembrance Day Parade in Antigonish, N.S.

Hinds spent more than eight years in Rankin Inlet as the assistant fire marshal and the deputy fire marshal. He spent another two-plus years in Iqaluit.

He and an acquaintance were out for a drive when a youth flagged them down and told them a woman had fallen this past summer.

Hinds found the woman on the ground and immediately started performing CPR. He said she responded relatively quickly to his efforts.

“The follow-up response consisted of fire department medical first responders arriving, and then the ambulance showed up,” said Hinds. “After that she was taken away, received good care and I know is still up and running.

“She’s still alive and the kid still has Mommy, so a nice happy ending.”

Due to some difficulties in meeting up with his MLA, who called Hinds just days after the incident to congratulate him on his actions, Hinds had to wait about a year before receiving his certificate of recognition for helping save the woman’s life.

Hinds was also happy to report that the veteran he saved during the 2018 Remembrance Day parade is also alive and still doing well.

Darrell Greer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Kivalliq News