Fox News Legal Analyst Says Jan. 6 Hearing Revelations ‘Should Disturb Everyone’

j6-committee-rudy-fox.jpg Capitol Riot Investigation - Credit: J. Scott Applewhite/AP
j6-committee-rudy-fox.jpg Capitol Riot Investigation - Credit: J. Scott Applewhite/AP

Following another slew of incendiary public revelations by the Jan. 6 committee, Fox News legal analyst Jonathan Turley told viewers that the revelations were “breathtaking” and “disturbing.” All of these details should disturb everyone,” Turley added.

Turley specifically addressed an “unhinged” meeting between Trump, White House officials, and Trump allies scheming ways to salvage an election victory for the president. The committee displayed a text message from Cassidy Hutchinson, a former White House aide who testified publicly last month, describing the situation in the West Wing as “UNHINGED” as the meeting took place.

Turley wasn’t the only guest to consider Tuesday’s hearing notable. Neil Cavuto referred to Trump as “unstable” before asking former Deputy Assistant Attorney General Tom Dupree if the people close to Trump were engaging in “illegal, criminal behavior” by pushing to keep him in office. Dupree responded that the “people giving him this advice were coming pretty darn close to that line, if not going over it.”

Turley’s and Dupree’s reactions are seemingly the extent of analysis Fox viewers will get regarding the hearing. The network quickly returned to its regular programming, which has stubbornly refused to mention the hearing

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