To further composting, Fresno residents need a separate trash can for food waste | Opinion

Separate composting bin needed

“On composting food waste” I am totally in agreement with Nancy Schultz (Jan. 14, The Bee) that we citizens of Fresno need to have a separate receptacle, with compostable liners for table scraps and food waste.

I can’t imagine just dumping that kind of waste directly into the green bin to sit and “stew” especially in hot weather with the “yuk” that would stick to the can.

Fresno needs to make these changes to improve the problems with composting and the landfill. And I hope that Councilman Bredefeld will that notice.

Diane Woody, Fresno

‘Reawaken’ tour just divides

Congratulations to Simon Biasell, Tim Kutzmark, Susy Ward and Marcel Woodruff for shinning some light on the joke that is “The Reawaken America Tour.”

Organizations of this nature do nothing unite our communities and our country. They do nothing to promote the acceptance of all people with love.

Jim Peterson, Kingsburg

Standard time is best

The disinformation campaign about Proposition 7 is infuriating. Every major news source purports that Prop. 7 was an effort to make Daylight Saving Time permanent in California. In fact, the proposition was clear that the choice could be made to make Standard Time permanent if voted on by two-thirds in the Legislature.


How even our Sen. (Alex) Padilla believes Prop. 7 was a vote for DST shows how skewed this debate has become. Our household voted for Prop. 7 because we wanted permanent Standard Time, not DST. Please, let’s can DST.

Chris Clemons, Fresno

Wrecking California’s economy

California politicians continue to improve the life of their citizens by cutting jobs, closing businesses and driving people across state lines to somewhere else.

The Fresno Bee recently reported 30 local restaurants have closed, and chief among the reasons was our government mandating $20 per hour wages.

Assuming each restaurant employed 20 people each, 600 people lost their jobs. Taxes from those restaurants are gone; landlords are left with empty buildings and U-Haul continues to thrive.

California’s economy is heralded as the fifth largest in the world, but it is destined to fall in its ranking since it is still governed by third world minds.

Harry Cline, Fresno

Clovis needs to do more

Kudos to the Clovis Department and others for the Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast.

After Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated , it took years for the city of Clovis to take note of the significance of the MLK experience and Jim Crow laws. Still today, Clovis has problems with its police department being able to recruit Black officers.

The city has a statue of “Festus” right in the middle of town, yet has no monuments of Dr. King or any Black residents of Clovis. The city has very little amount of ethnic events in Oldtown Clovis. Still today, the crime against an African American business in Old Town has not been solved, as to who did this, even when there are hundreds of cameras there. A lawsuit pending about low-income housing is still the works.

Yes, there has been progress on racial relations in Clovis, but there still is much to be done.

Steven Trevino Jr., Clovis

Life jackets save lives

A recent incident at Millerton Lake highlights just how important wearing a life jacket is. A man fell off of his paddleboard and was stranded in freezing water for 10-15 minutes before being rescued.

Despite his familiarity with the lake, the man was unable to swim to shore because of the strong winds and harsh conditions. Luckily the man was wearing his life jacket and is OK, but that unfortunately isn’t always the case.

Wearing a life jacket is critical, especially in cold water where survival times are reduced. The body’s response to immersion can be swift and debilitating; without a life jacket, even experienced swimmers can struggle to stay afloat.

When water temperatures are cold, it’s important to remember the “1–10–1” rule. This applies to instances of cold water immersion and refers to having approximately one minute to control your breathing, less than 10 minutes for self-rescue, and one hour before you become unconscious due to hypothermia.

If you need a life jacket, check out one of the Sea Tow Foundation’s Life Jacket Loaner Stations. Always remember to put on your life jacket; you never know just how life saving it could be.

Gail R. Kulp, executive director of the Sea Tow Foundation, Southhold, NY