Gas, diesel and home-heating fuels all down in latest PUB price setting

 (Kevin Yarr/CBC - image credit)
(Kevin Yarr/CBC - image credit)

The price of gas dropped about 2.7 cents per litre across Newfoundland and Labrador on Thursday. (Kevin Yarr/CBC)

The price of all fuels dropped early Thursday across Newfoundland and Labrador.

Gasoline decreased by 2.7 cents per litre as part of the Public Utilities Board's weekly price adjustment, putting the maximum price retailers can charge at $1.696 on the Avalon Peninsula. Some retailers charge less to compete for customers.

Regional price ceilings vary from $1.69 and $1.87 across the rest of Newfoundland, and from $1.69 and $2.25 per litre across Labrador.

Diesel decreased by 3.4 cents per litre across the province, putting prices in Newfoundland between $2.13 and $2.25 per litre in Newfoundland and between $1.95 and $2.39 per litre in Labrador.

The price of furnace oil decreased by 2.14 cents per litre, meaning prices now range from between $1.34 and $1.52 per litre across Newfoundland.

Stove oil decreased by the largest amount of any fuel, down 4.3 cents per litre across Newfoundland. The change puts price for the fuel between $1.42 and $1.61 depending on your location on the island. Stove oil also decreased by 2.41 cents per litre in Labrador West and Churchill Falls, putting prices between $1.40 and $1.85 per litre in Labrador.

Propane decreased by the smallest amount, down 0.9 cents per litre. Propane prices now range between 97 cents and $1.10 per litre in Newfoundland and between 83 cents per litre and $1.28 per litre in Labrador.

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