Gay porn actor and Proud Boys member Sergeant Miles jailed for role in United States Capitol riot

A topless picture of Steven Miles from his Instagram, and right, on the day of the riots with two other attendees (Images: Instagram/@real_sgtmiles/
Steven Miles in a picture from his Instagram, and, far right, on the day of the riots (Images: Instagram/@real_sgtmiles/

Steven Miles – also known as gay porn star Sergeant Miles – has been sentenced to two years in prison for his role in the US Capitol attack three years ago.

Miles, known for his work with Lucas Entertainment and Clips4Sale, was arrested on Tuesday 12 April 2022 after taking part in the insurrection on 6 January 2021.

The Capitol attack saw 2,000 rioters enter the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. in support of then-President Donald Trump, two months after Trump refused to accept his election defeat by now-President Joe Biden.

40-year-old Miles, whose film credits include Bathhouse Barebacking and Lucas Men Unleashed, was caught on camera participating in the riots.

According to official documents, the seven-time GayVN nominee shoved and attempted to punch a police officer on the day of the riot in an attempt to break through a human barricade. He later used a wooden plank to help smash a Senate Wing Door window.

News of Miles’ sentencing was shared last Friday by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the District of Columbia.

“Whose Capitol? Our Capitol!”

‘Steven Miles, 40, of Zephyrhills, Florida, was sentenced to 24 months in prison, 12 months of supervised release, and ordered to pay $2,000 in restitution by U.S. District Judge Jia M. Cobb,’ a release reads on the Attorney’s Office website.

‘Miles pleaded guilty to a felony charge of assaulting, resisting, or impeding [a] certain law enforcement officer on Oct. 19, 2023,’ it continues.

‘According to court documents, Miles, a member of the Proud Boys and adult film actor, traveled from his home near Tampa to Washington, D.C., to contest the 2020 presidential election. He and other members of the Proud Boys left the rally site long before the speeches began, walked to the West Front of the Capitol, and played a leading role in escalating the riot.

‘As the group of Proud Boys including Miles marched to the Capitol, they chanted ‘USA!,’ ‘Where’s Antifa’, and ‘Whose Capitol? Our Capitol!'”

More than 1,313 people have been charged for crimes related to the breach of the Capitol so far.

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