Georgia ranks 36th for prosperity in American Dream Index. Here’s what that means.

The Peach State was ranked 36th for overall prosperity on the American Dream Prosperity Index (ADPI) this year.

So, what does that mean?

Well, it means that Georgians are living their best lives.

For the most part, that is.

Prosperity is measured by how each state lives out the “American Dream,” in daily life.

Concepts such as safety, security and personal freedom, as well as economic ideas like business environment, infrastructure, and even the health and living conditions of residents influence prosperity.

Why measure each state’s prosperity?

Measuring the prosperity of U.S. states allows officials to see what needs to be focused on and improved in each state or region.

According to Kerry Healey, president of the Milken Center for Advancing the American Dream (MCAAD), “The American Dream Prosperity Index was founded on the principle that better data leads to better decisions and outcomes. It is our goal to make this report one of the most important tools for local, state and federal lawmakers and civic leaders.”

What are Georgia’s strengths on the ADPI?

Georgians are living the dream when it comes to the economy and business.

Georgia ranked ninth in the nation for economic quality, 17th for business environment and 22nd for infrastructure on the ADPI.

What could the Peach State improve?

While the economy in Georgia is booming, there are several areas on the index where Georgia did not rank high.

Georgia ranked 46th for personal freedom, 42nd for social capital, 38th for health and 35th for education on the Index.

For the full report and to read more about each state in the index, visit the MCAAD website.